Perpetuum Software

Electronic Components & Devices

Photocoagulator features PASCAL laser.

PASCALÂ-® 532 nm laser photocoagulator uses semi-automated pattern generation method. Pattern array options include single spot, square arrays, octants, quadrants, macular grid, and arcs. As many as 25 spots can be delivered in 0.5 sec. It features LCD touch-screen, dual slit lamp mounted electronic micromanipulators, and rotary power controls. Primary applications include pan-retinal...

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Medtech Manufacturer Software helps drive GMP-compliance.

Utilizing SOA methodology, Brooks MEDIC(TM) solution suite provides complete regulatory process management and compliance system for medical device manufacturers. Risk management and mitigation system lets users control all critical data across operational and business systems. Real-time applications, services, and solutions allow manufacturers to link each pillar of operational and business...

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Non-Industrial Products

Benchtop Machine inflates void-fill packing pillows.

Featuring all-electric design that requires no compressed air, AirPouch(TM) Express 3 offers portable solution for producing strips of air pillows at rates exceeding 50 fpm. Unit weighs 35 lb, has 20 x 12 in. footprint, and can produce individual 8 x 10 in. or 8 x 12 in. pillows made of DuraClear(TM) polyethylene. While EZ-Tear(TM) perforations facilitate separation of pillows for efficient...

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Software optimizes shift planning.

Part of ServiceOptimization Suite, ClickRoster builds rosters around business goals of organization. It helps companies overcome challenges of organizing workers into appropriate shifts to meet service demand, while taking into account demand coverage, employee working preferences, skill mix, capacity, cost, compliance with state and industry rules and regulations, and need to balance undesirable...

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Virtual Deal Room facilitates investment transactions.

Presenting transactions to potential buyers in organized format, V-Room(TM) combines Virtual Roadshow, which consists of company's executive audio/video presentations, with Sell-Side Due Diligence effort, representing hundreds of confidential documents, such as accounting records, tax information, personnel files, and legal documents. All information is securely hosted in online format for review...

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Test & Measurement

Recording System offers Windows screen recording.

Used in air traffic control and air defense/C4I applications, AIR Advanced Integrated Recorder enables all activities that occur on screens of PCs and workstations employing Windows 2000 or XP to be recorded, capturing and time-tagging all mouse movements, menu selections, text entries, and window views. Recordings can be replayed synchronously with voice communications, radar data, LAN data and...

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Service provides interactive voice and video messaging.

VerseraÂ-® Active Messaging enables operators to insert interactive multimedia application logic directly into voice or video message, creating active message that subscriber accesses through mailbox. Subscribers can immediately purchase, subscribe, download, provide feedback, tell friends, or request more information while reviewing multimedia content. Large number of highly targeted 2G and...

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Medical Software facilitates CHD discovery and treatment.

CareManager(TM) Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) Module lets healthcare providers proactively manage, track, and monitor patients most at-risk for heart attack or other coronary event. It integrates with electronic health record, providing real-time access to status of patient risk-factors, and evaluates indicators against CHD treatment guidelines. Patient treatment goals are based on comparison...

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