DC/DC Converter provides 10 A output in small package.
DC to DC Power Supplies (Converters)

DC/DC Converter provides 10 A output in small package.

Single output UHE Series isolated dc/dc converter delivers as much IOUT (10 A) as company's half/quarter-bricks and standard 2 x 2 in. modules. High efficiency eliminates need for heat-sinking aluminum baseplates common to most bricks. It comes in plastic package measuring 1.6 x 2 x 0.4 in. Options include 22 models with VOUTs from 1.2 to 15 V, IOUTs from 2 to 10 A, and VINs from 10 to 75 V. Free...

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DC/DC Converter provides 10 A output in small package.
DC to DC Power Supplies (Converters)

DC/DC Converter provides 10 A output in small package.

Single output UHE Series isolated dc/dc converter delivers as much IOUT (10 A) as company's half/quarter-bricks and standard 2 x 2 in. modules. High efficiency eliminates need for heat-sinking aluminum baseplates common to most bricks. It comes in plastic package measuring 1.6 x 2 x 0.4 in. Options include 22 models with VOUTs from 1.2 to 15 V, IOUTs from 2 to 10 A, and VINs from 10 to 75 V. Free...

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Delivery Equipment That Really Delivers

Delivery Equipment That Really Delivers

Are you in need of safer, more efficient transportation equipment? Do you feel like your delivery equipment could really use an upgrade? Check out this video, and learn about Halo Ramp Company's patented safety platforms, and how they help you bypass your trickiest delivery challenges.

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