Miscellaneous Software

Miscellaneous Software

Software analyzes risks of hazardous work environment.

Corporate Industrial Risk and Safety Management Application v2 aids in developing consistent approach to analyzing risk and defining appropriate risk reduction methodology. CIRSMA can be used to analyze risk, assess guarding, and prescribe level of training required to work in close proximity to hazardous industrial equipment. Software includes full document management module that helps prepare...

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Miscellaneous Software

File Compression Software offers 512-bit RC4 encryption.

StuffIt Deluxe v9.0 file compression, access, and organization software for Mac OS X offers archive tool that allows user to create StuffIt, Zip, and .tar archives from single location. DropStuff lets archives be saved directly to CDs, DVDs, and FTP servers. Segmentation technology splits archives across multiple disks as they are being created. ArchiveAssistant(TM) provides backup solution that...

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Software provides PC-based CNC control.
Miscellaneous Software

Software provides PC-based CNC control.

Featuring Windows-based environment, PMAC NC v5.0 can be combined with user's favorite PC-compatible CAD/CAM or conversational package. Multi-tasking utilities of Windows operating system enable CNC parts to be run while user simultaneously programs other applications. Connectivity options, such as Ethernet and USB2.0, help reduce time spent transferring part program files. Part program size is...

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Miscellaneous Software

Risk Assessment Software has document management module.

Corporate Industrial Risk and Safety Management Application (CIRSMA) v2 analyzes risk, assesses guarding, and prescribes level of training required to work in close proximity to hazardous industrial equipment. Task hazard module documents assignment of personal protective equipment, and other features include ability to export reports to PDF, and control circuit performance selection lists based...

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Miscellaneous Software

Asset Management Software suits small to mid-sized firms.

NetSupport DNA 2.0 dynamic network administration software provides tools for inventorying and managing IT assets. Features include hardware and software inventory, software distribution, application and web metering, query-based reporting, as well as help desk component and remote control functionality. Solution enables business to monitor application and Internet usage, while software...

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Software facilitates off-line robot simulation.
Miscellaneous Software

Software facilitates off-line robot simulation.

ROBOGUIDEÂ-® software provides tools needed to develop and test complete robotic application in simulation environment. Users can import CAD models of parts, create workcell including machines, part transfer devices and obstacles, and teach robot paths to simulate operation and performance of robotic application. Reach verification, collision detection, accurate cycle time estimates, and...

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Miscellaneous Software

Software facilitates job hazard analysis.

To help anticipate accidents before they happen, Job Hazard Analysis Management Software simplifies development of job hazard analysis and associated written safety program components. It documents environmental or ergonomic conditions present during job/activity and identifies hazards and required engineering and administrative control measures. Users can define standard phrases for describing...

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Miscellaneous Software

Software helps optimize equipment performance.

Proficy(TM) Machine Tool Efficiency Shop Floor Intelligence software collects real-time availability, performance, and quality data from machine tools and production systems. It helps companies understand dynamics of shop floor and identify root causes of losses in downtime, speed, stoppages, and part yield. Web-enabled product provides connectivity, data collection, and support for range of CNCs...

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Miscellaneous Software

Software facilitates online advertising management.

Advertising Module, for Bitrix Site Manager, enables users to control banner exposure, organize advertising space for selling, create advertising effectiveness report, get exposure statistics, and allow space buyers to manage banners. Site administrator can setup prices according to exposure period, click-though rate, and number of total exposures by themselves, per unique, or per number of...

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Software facilitates machine and plant optimization.
Miscellaneous Software

Software facilitates machine and plant optimization.

WebMIS provides web-based analysis tool for recording, visually presenting, and optimizing operational and production data. It includes pre-configured graphics and tables for analysis of weaknesses and machine optimization. With joint recording of machine signals, stoppage causes, and fault messages, machine or plant failures, identified as technical or organizational, can be identified any time....

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