Purple Labs


Software manages content developed by diverse audiences.

Combining blogs with enterprise-class management tools, iUpload Customer Conversation System facilitates internal and external communications, drives operational efficiencies, and creates sales and marketing channels. Wiki capabilities transform one-way blog entries into environments that encourage broad collaboration. Offering turnkey approach, iUpload Express delivers baseline functionality...

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Medical Software facilitates CHD discovery and treatment.

CareManager(TM) Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) Module lets healthcare providers proactively manage, track, and monitor patients most at-risk for heart attack or other coronary event. It integrates with electronic health record, providing real-time access to status of patient risk-factors, and evaluates indicators against CHD treatment guidelines. Patient treatment goals are based on comparison...

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Agricultural & Farming Products

System-on-Chip Platforms enable TV-audio design.

Featuring DSP code download capability, MSP-M Multistandard Sound Processor is targeted at mid-range to high-end TVs receiving analog or analog/digital broadcast, while MAP-M Multistandard Audio Processor is optimized for TVs that receive digital broadcast only and for consumer audio applications. Both offer Customizable Modular Processing, which enables TV manufacturers to place audio DSP...

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Adhesives & Sealants

Dust Arresting Compound helps improve worker safety.

TerraLOC(TM) dust palliative and abatement products, used on unpaved locations in military and civilian applications, reduce airborne dust and promote worker safety. Biodegradable and environmentally friendly, PVOH-based products, once cured, stabilize soil and abate dust by impregnating unbound or un-compacted material that overlays sub-grade. Water-soluble compound may be applied via variety of...

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Test & Measurement

Recording System offers Windows screen recording.

Used in air traffic control and air defense/C4I applications, AIR Advanced Integrated Recorder enables all activities that occur on screens of PCs and workstations employing Windows 2000 or XP to be recorded, capturing and time-tagging all mouse movements, menu selections, text entries, and window views. Recordings can be replayed synchronously with voice communications, radar data, LAN data and...

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Service provides interactive voice and video messaging.

VerseraÂ-® Active Messaging enables operators to insert interactive multimedia application logic directly into voice or video message, creating active message that subscriber accesses through mailbox. Subscribers can immediately purchase, subscribe, download, provide feedback, tell friends, or request more information while reviewing multimedia content. Large number of highly targeted 2G and...

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Communication Systems & Equipment

Defense Message System offers secure messaging.

Developed as addition to Defense Message System, Collaborative Messaging Solution can be tailored to needs of different DMS users, allowing site to implement only features that are most beneficial to mission. CMS FORTEZZA Gateway minimizes number of encryption cards required to send secure e-mail by using organization's FORTEZZA card at server. CMS Web Access allows users to access system from...

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Communication Systems & Equipment

Video Conferencing System is designed for first responders.

Designed to remove physical barriers to video conferencing, Mobile Responder(TM) transportable system features built-in display, camera, microphone, speaker, IP network interface, and AES encryption. It incorporates VSX 8000 technology, and supports features such as smooth video, sharing laptop content, and SIP support that enables multimedia collaboration. With form factor built to withstand...

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