Tiny Ink Code-Mark Machine
Marking Equipment

Tiny Ink Code-Mark Machine

As a result of customer interest, Sprinter Marking has recently made an effort to develop a code marking machine capable of very small “confirmation” marks with a model 44 Sprinter ink codemarking machine. A rubber die with a ribbed rubber back has been made that transfers a tiny mark of approximately 1 mm (.040”) square. Attached is a drawing of the Model 44 with the rubber die locked into...

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Tiny Ink Code-Mark Machine
Marking Equipment

Tiny Ink Code-Mark Machine

As a result of customer interest, Sprinter Marking has recently made an effort to develop a code marking machine capable of very small “confirmation” marks with a model 44 Sprinter ink codemarking machine. A rubber die with a ribbed rubber back has been made that transfers a tiny mark of approximately 1 mm (.040”) square. Attached is a drawing of the Model 44 with the rubber die locked into...

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Amcor and GSK win Alufoil Trophy for Enhanced Desiccated Patient Blister Pack for Augmentin®

Amcor and GSK win Alufoil Trophy for Enhanced Desiccated Patient Blister Pack for Augmentin®

High barrier packaging ideal for protecting moisture-sensitive pharmaceutical products The European Aluminium Foil Association (EAFA) awarded the Alufoil Trophy in the Product Protection category to Formpack® Dessiflex Ultra, in recognition of the enhanced protection provided to the Augmentin® product and the positive impact on the millions of patients who use it. The new pharmaceutical...

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Amcor and GSK win Alufoil Trophy for Enhanced Desiccated Patient Blister Pack for Augmentin-®

Amcor and GSK win Alufoil Trophy for Enhanced Desiccated Patient Blister Pack for Augmentin-®

High barrier packaging ideal for protecting moisture-sensitive pharmaceutical products The European Aluminium Foil Association (EAFA) awarded the Alufoil Trophy in the Product Protection category to Formpack® Dessiflex Ultra, in recognition of the enhanced protection provided to the Augmentin® product and the positive impact on the millions of patients who use it. The new pharmaceutical...

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