Miscellaneous Software

Miscellaneous Software

Authoring Solution promotes enterprise-wide learning.

ForceTen v3.0 enables users to aggregate, author, and dynamically deliver learning products and critical knowledge throughout enterprise. Learning assets can be contextualized into multiple languages or for specific business environment, and organizations can update entire learning programs or components of learning assets. Knowledge Sharing Facility lets organizations share critical knowledge...

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Miscellaneous Software

Software enables companies to expand revenue channels.

Interwoven Extranet solution enables business users to build and rollout extranets, while providing IT with tools to maintain control and security. Based on multi-site management and powered by WSIWYG content publishing technology, software integrates with commercial or custom developed Web portals, portable devices, and email systems. It enables firms to launch sites to build loyalty and...

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Miscellaneous Software

Software modernizes COBOL business systems.

Facilitating portability of COBOL development tools, extendÂ-® v6.2 includes features that allow legacy applications to interoperate with Microsoft's .NETÂ-®, be deployed on Internet using thin client architecture, and take advantage of GUI design principles. With version 6.2, 3rd-party sort modules can be called from ACUCOBOL-GT programs. Delivered as ActiveXÂ-® control, Web thin...

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Miscellaneous Software

Software provides donations management.

FileMaker Donations v2.0 helps charitable organizations and other non-profits plan, track, and streamline fundraising campaigns, donations, and donor outreach efforts. It includes user-controlled multi-window environment, built-in security with predefined privilege sets, and reporting capabilities. Quick View feature lists outstanding actions on home page, including contact interactions,...

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Miscellaneous Software

Software facilitates enterprise content security.

Brava!Â-® Enterprise v5.1 augments intranet and extranet deployments where content is to be securely accessed, shared, and annotated in collaborative workflow. Thin-client software can view, markup, and print variety of document, image, and CAD drawings using Internet Explorer. Version 5.1 creates and views Content Sealed Format, which incorporates Visual Rights(TM) security framework, giving...

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Miscellaneous Software

Software provides test management.

TestStand v3.1 organizes, controls, and executes automated prototype, validation, and manufacturing test systems. It includes LabVIEW Express technology and LabVIEW Real-Time integration, as well as features for advanced test execution flow control and auto schedule parallel testing. LabVIEW Express VI gives engineers access to more than 40 LabVIEW Express VIs, including Express VIs for...

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Miscellaneous Software

Software automates data mining model development.

Available for WindowsÂ-® 2000 and XP, NeuralSight augments NeuralWorks PredictÂ-® platform, which enables users to create neural network models for prediction, classification, and clustering applications. Its GUI handles datasets too large for MicrosoftÂ-® Excel and allows modelers to specify model performance requirements. Software automatically selects and ranks best neural networks...

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Miscellaneous Software

CRM Software offers business intelligence analytics.

Active Request Engine Help Desk 3.3 provides information work management system that facilitates workforce collaboration. Web Services infrastructure ensures integration with third party applications, and Windows XP look and terminology helps users learn and manage product. Users can be proactive by tracking and managing problems, requests, tasks, and work orders submitted and assigned to and...

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Miscellaneous Software

Software facilitates merchandise allocation process.

AllocationXpert(TM) helps retail firms make allocation decisions and optimize revenues while minimizing markdowns. Through Learning Interface, software learns proven decision-making practices of retailer's top allocators and makes recommendations similar to what top performers would do in similar situations. When finished, allocator seamlessly moves data into retailer's existing allocation system...

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Miscellaneous Software

Software delivers HD editing solution.

Pinnacle Liquid Edition(TM) v6 lets users edit multiple streams of native high-definition (HD) content with real-time effects. Equipped with Steinberg-inspired audio engine, video editing software supports real-time broadcast quality effects, compositing, titling, and DVD authoring capabilities. Native format editing capabilities include HDV and broadcast formats such as MPEG-2, uncompressed, DVC...

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