Round-Bowl Vibrator has rotating divider and sound hood.

Press Release Summary:

Model OR-3 vibratory finishing machine has rotating urethane divider that creates multiple compartments for individual part deburring, prevents damaging impingement, and eliminates fixturing of metal parts. Featuring 3 ft³ tub, unit occupies 36 x 53 in. footprint and comes with sound hood to keep noise at acceptable level. Offering constant speed of 1,750 vpm, unit enables parts to be loaded/unloaded from rotating mass without stopping machine.

Original Press Release:

Small Round-Bowl Vibrator from ALMCO Has Rotating Divider, Sound Hood Features

ALBERT LEA, Minnesota (April 8, 2005) - A compact round-bowl vibratory finishing machine from ALMCO, Inc., with a 3-cubic-foot tub is now available with a rotating divider that creates multiple compartments for individual part deburring and a sound hood that keeps noise to an acceptable level.

The divider of the Model OR-3, designed and engineered by ALMCO, prevents damaging impingement and eliminates fixturing of metal parts. Like the tub lining, the divider is made of long-lasting urethane that protects delicate parts during contact. When in place, parts can be loaded or unloaded from the rotating mass without stopping the machine.

The compact model, with floor space requirements of just 36 inches x 53 inches, is ideally suited to small work cells and plant locations where bench operations are time-taking and rejection rates costly. With a constant speed of 1750 vpm, the machine can accommodate a wide variety of part sizes, shapes and materials by changing the amplitude and finishing media.

Features of the OR-3 include built-in compound spray and drainage systems, and an easily removed center dome. Also available is an internal parts/media separator for further operator time-savings.

For more information on the OR-3 with divider and sound hood, contact ALMCO, Inc., 507 West Front Street, Albert Lea, Minnesota 56007, phone 1-800-521-2740, or visit the company on the Internet at The 55-year-old firm is a leading manufacturer of metal finishing, deburring, parts cleaning and liquid filtration equipment and systems, which are sold through an international network of independent distributors, sales representatives and ALMCO region managers.

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