Ceramic Adhesives support continuous use to 2,800°F.
Press Release Summary:
Offering chemical and thermal shock resistance, Resbond™ 940 Customizable Series can be matched to physical properties of substrate for optimized adhesion to quartz, cordierite, fused silica, glassware, ceramics, and metals. Products cure in 4-8 hr at room temperature or in 5 min at 175°F. Applications include bonding, sealing, and insulating light bulbs, fixtures, and sensors; encapsulating industrial heating elements; and forming electrically resistant coatings for high temperature instruments.
Original Press Release:
New Resbond(TM) 940 Customizable Series of Fast-Setting Adhesives to 2800ºF Use
Resbond™ 940 Customizable Series are economical, fast-setting ceramic adhesives designed to solve all high temperature bonding, sealing or encapsulating applications with continuous use to 2800ºF.
Eliminate costly errors caused by bonding adhesives and substrates with mismatched physical properties, which limit the success of specialized, high temperature applications.
It’s simple, just match the grade of Resbond™ 940 with the physical properties of the substrate for superior adhesion to quartz, cordierite, fused silica, glassware, ceramics, metals, etc.
Resbond™ 940 has outstanding chemical and thermal shock resistance. Choose from Cotronics’ low to high thermal expansion, ultra temperature, machinable, metallic, super fast-setting, electrically or thermally conductive grades. Other grades are available on request.
Applications include bonding, sealing and insulating light bulbs, fixtures, halogen lamps, fiber optic cables, sensors; encapsulating industrial heating elements; forming electrically resistant coatings for high temperature Instruments; joining heating elements to electrical terminals, etc.
Cures in 4 - 8 hours at room temperature or in 5 minutes at 175ºF.
Available in pint, quart and gallon containers.
For more information write, call, fax or visit: www.cotronics.com.