The Eraser Company, Inc.

Benchtop Wire Stripper is suited for multiple uses.

Benchtop Wire Stripper is suited for multiple uses.

Using rotating insert, L2S Bench Wire Stripper removes film insulations from round wires ranging between 8 and 29 AWG, including enamel, Formvar, ML, armored poly-thermaleze, and epoxy. Able to be used for other applications, such as deflashing wires, cleaning legs of electronic components, and cleaning pins on transformers and coils, product also cleans wire wrap, DIP, and relay sockets. It also...

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Benchtop Wire Stripper is suited for multiple uses.

Benchtop Wire Stripper is suited for multiple uses.

Using rotating insert, L2S Bench Wire Stripper removes film insulations from round wires ranging between 8 and 29 AWG, including enamel, Formvar, ML, armored poly-thermaleze, and epoxy. Able to be used for other applications, such as deflashing wires, cleaning legs of electronic components, and cleaning pins on transformers and coils, product also cleans wire wrap, DIP, and relay sockets. It also...

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Tubing Cutter produces clean, square cuts.
Agricultural & Farming Products

Tubing Cutter produces clean, square cuts.

Model WC600D Rotary Blade Tubing Cutter with rotary head is capable of cutting materials such as flexible polyurethane, flexible PVC, nylon reinforced hose, and rubber hose from -½ to 1 1/8 in. OD. Five variable feed rates let user choose appropriate setting to meet application needs. Belt feed eliminates crushing of material along its length and on cut ends, while programmable batching feature...

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Tubing Cutter produces clean, square cuts.
Agricultural & Farming Products

Tubing Cutter produces clean, square cuts.

Model WC600D Rotary Blade Tubing Cutter with rotary head is capable of cutting materials such as flexible polyurethane, flexible PVC, nylon reinforced hose, and rubber hose from Â-½ to 1 1/8 in. OD. Five variable feed rates let user choose appropriate setting to meet application needs. Belt feed eliminates crushing of material along its length and on cut ends, while programmable batching...

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Stripping Pot cleanly strips magnet wire.
Agricultural & Farming Products

Stripping Pot cleanly strips magnet wire.

Magnet Wire Stripping Pot strips film insulations from magnet wires of all sizes, types, and configurations. Wires are dipped into stripping solution that removes insulation without causing mechanical stress, material loss, or abrasion to wire. Model DSP1 has temperature control, while DSP2 has programmable temperature control for selecting and maintaining exact temperature. Both models are...

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Stripping Pot cleanly strips magnet wire.
Agricultural & Farming Products

Stripping Pot cleanly strips magnet wire.

Magnet Wire Stripping Pot strips film insulations from magnet wires of all sizes, types, and configurations. Wires are dipped into stripping solution that removes insulation without causing mechanical stress, material loss, or abrasion to wire. Model DSP1 has temperature control, while DSP2 has programmable temperature control for selecting and maintaining exact temperature. Both models are...

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