Avlite Systems

Servo Couplings suit precision positioning applications.
Electronic Components & Devices

Servo Couplings suit precision positioning applications.

Handling bore diameters from 0.875-1.378 in. and operating torque from 3,937-9,843 in. lb, ServoClassÂ-® couplings provide high torsional stiffness, zero-backlash, and low hysteresis. Made from RoHS compliant materials, couplings are lightweight and feature 304 stainless steel disc packs and 7075-T6 aluminum hubs and center members. Units are available in single and double flex models in inch...

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Fanless Barebone System comes with 6 expansion slots.
Computer Hardware & Peripherals

Fanless Barebone System comes with 6 expansion slots.

Built with IntelÂ-® GM45 express chipset and ICH9M Southbridge, application-ready IPC916-211-FL supports socket P IntelÂ-® Core(TM)2 Duo and CeleronÂ-® M processors with 667/800/1,066 MHz FSB. It offers 2 PCI, one PCIe x 16, and 3 PCIe x 1 slots, and supports two 2.5 in. SATA HDD drive bays. Enclosed in 210 x 248 x 185 mm cold-rolled steel housing, CE marked unit features front I/O...

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Optics & Photonics

Day/Night Bullet Camera features compact and discreet design.

Providing high-resolution 580 TVL color/700 TVL monochrome imaging with twin integrated (outboard) IR illumination, IP66 rated VBC500 can be used internally or externally. It comes pre-wired with 1 m cable and cable managed bracket for secure wall, ceiling, or soffit mount. Other features include varifocal 2.8-12 mm lens, advanced wide dynamic range (WDR) and 3DNR digital noise reduction, and...

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Radiometer/Photometer features external TTL trigger input.
Optics & Photonics

Radiometer/Photometer features external TTL trigger input.

Enabling remote timing of pulsed light measurements, UV-Vis-NIR pulsed P-9710-4 is capable of measuring pulse energy of single and multiple burst pulsed events greater than 1 Â-µsec in length. Independent of signal magnitude, system bandwidth is 0.166 Hz at 6 sec to greater than 300 MHz within current measurement range of 0.1 pA to 2 mA. Other features include adjustable sampling time of 100...

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