Capital Safety Australia & New Zealand

Double-Motion Agitators incorporate incline designs.
Electronic Components & Devices

Double-Motion Agitators incorporate incline designs.

Incline Double-Motion Scrape-Surface Agitators, suited for gentle blending to high-viscosity processing, are custom-designed to meet processing requirements. Features include internal pressure/vacuum rating and trunnion tilt or piggyback motors. Products are offered in sizes from pilot lab to 1,000 gal production units. Applications include low-viscosity soups and sauces with particulates to...

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Fluid Transfer Sanitary Ball Valves are USDA approved.
Fluid & Gas Flow Equipment

Fluid Transfer Sanitary Ball Valves are USDA approved.

Suited for flush-bottom, in-line, and multi-port applications, Fluid-Flow valves are offered in standard configurations, aseptic, or jacketed. Designed for sanitary market, valves consist of 1Â-½-4 in. flush-bottom, 2-way, 3-way, and multi-port valves. Features include fully-encapsulated seals, full-port design, and sanitary No. 4 finish I.D. Valves handle temperatures to 300Â-

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Aviation Software Suite suits small to mid-size firms.

Aviation Value Pack all-inclusive software offers modules addressing SOM/Quoting and Estimating, Production Engineering, Inventory Control, Purchasing/Receiving, Manufacturing Resource Planning, Manufacturing Cost, Financials, RFQ Management and Control, and Upload Programs. Suited for aerospace firms, package also includes modules for Lot/Serial Control, Project Control, Design Engineering, and...

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Photodetectors provide dual sensor capabilities.
Sensors, Monitors & Transducers

Photodetectors provide dual sensor capabilities.

VisGaAs(TM) sensors enable visible and near-IR imaging on one photodetector; both images can be simultaneously acquired, displayed, and analyzed for comparison. Products operate in 400-1,700 nm wavelength and include unclooled VisGaAs focal plane arrays. Suited for laser-based applications, sensors may also be used for spectroscopy and daytime/nighttime covert surveillance operations.

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Variable Height Module offers height compensation system.
Labels Tags Signage & Equipment

Variable Height Module offers height compensation system.

Model 250 Printer Applicator is able to label boxes from 1-40+ in. in height. System receives data from height detection system positioned upstream, and relays case height to indexer. High-speed application can be accomplished using electric tamp assembly, which achieves throughput of 20 cases/min at approximately 150 fpm. Carton throughput may increase up to 45 cases/min when successive cartons...

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Electrical Equipment & Systems

Integrated Circuit provides strain gage measurement.

Model PS02 digital ASIC supports 2 full bridges or 4 half bridges. It determines resistor ratio from precise time interval measurement, delivering up to 18-bit resolution of 1,000Â-µ strain. Depending on application, total current of system can be reduced to 5 Â-µA. Model PS02 offers programmable update rates to 20 kHz and includes serial SPI interface. It is suited for load cells, force...

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