Miscellaneous Software

Miscellaneous Software

Board Test Software supports Intel-® IOP321 I/O processor.

For development of products based on Intel IOP321 I/O processor with Intel XScaleÂ-® microarchitecture, integrated diagnostic solution includes drivers and turnkey test suites for PCI-X, SDRAM, DMA controller, and timers. Software choices include kManufacturing(TM) manufacturing test software, kField(TM) for in-field diagnostics, kDiagnostics for board bring-up diagnostics, and kPOST(TM)...

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Miscellaneous Software

Software delivers RFID data and device management solution.

RFID Enterprise v2.0 RFID software enables customers to design, integrate, and deploy enterprise-scale RFID deployments. It features multi-protocol support and Eclipse-based IDE and core runtime engine for event routing, message transformation, service design, business process orchestration, and business activity monitoring. It incorporates database management system that includes on-disk...

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Miscellaneous Software

Backup Solution recovers Microsoft Exchange databases.

Automated Replication Express(TM) for Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 enables near-continuous protection of databases. Featuring storage controller-based technologies, disk-to-disk backup solution shadow-copies Microsoft databases and logs according to administrator policies, automatically makes physical disk copies, and then automatically verifies data consistency.

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Miscellaneous Software

Omnicell Begins Deployment of vCommander(TM) for Proactive Remote Monitoring to Protect Critical Hospital Information Systems

Pharmacy information protected through secure internet connections LAS VEGAS, Dec. 5 / -- Omnicell, Inc. (NASDAQ:OMCL) today announced plans to roll out vCommander, which provides added protection for hospital computer systems, including pharmacy information systems. vCommander, a healthcare industry first, is a part of Omnicell's new vSuite(TM) of service programs which proactively monitor...

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Miscellaneous Software

Qualys Drives Vulnerability Management Standards with Latest Release of QualysGuard

INFOSECURITY CONFERENCE, NEW YORK, Dec. 7 / -- Qualys Inc., the leading provider of on demand vulnerability management and policy compliance solutions, today announced QualysGuardÂ-® 4.5 to help organizations better identify vulnerabilities, prioritize remediation and benchmark efforts against industry standards. The new version of QualysGuard supports the CVSS and OVAL industry standard...

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Miscellaneous Software

STMicroelectronics Launches Optimized Java(TM) Technology for Low-Cost Consumer Electronics Platforms

Advanced Java Virtual Machine implementation offers a significant performance boost for Java technology-based set-top box applications such as Multimedia Home Platform GENEVA, Dec. 7 / -- STMicroelectronics (NYSE:STM), the world's leading supplier of ICs for Set Top Boxes (STBs)* announced today the availability of ST20 J-Engine, a highly optimized Java(TM) Virtual Machine (JVM(TM)) for the ST20...

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Miscellaneous Software

Reef Point Systems Introduces Industry's First Comprehensive Suite of UMA Test Tools

BOSTON, Dec. 5 / -- Reef Point Systems (http://reefpoint.com/) a leader in massively scalable security gateway solutions for the fixed mobile convergence market, announced today the company has developed the industry's first comprehensive suite of Unlicensed Mobile Access (UMA) test tools that provides full end-to-end system integration and test capabilities. Until now, due to the new...

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Miscellaneous Software

Seagull Software Announces LegaSuite for CICS(TM)

Rapidly Transforms CICS Applications into Reusable Services for Service-Oriented Architecture ATLANTA, Dec. 6 / -- Seagull Software today announced LegaSuite for CICS(TM), the industry's most flexible and comprehensive solution for transforming CICS applications into SOA assets. Among its many unique features, LegaSuite for CICS supports multiple run-time architectures from one development effort...

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Miscellaneous Software

Satori Labs Launches FusionForm Desktop(TM), Removing Key Barrier to Electronic Medical Record Adoption

Powerful New PC Product Bridges the Gap between Handwritten Patient Information and EMR SCOTTS VALLEY, Calif., Dec. 5 / -- Satori Labs, a leader in digital pen and paper solutions for healthcare, announced today the launch of FusionForm Desktop, a powerful new forms automation system that transforms the way that healthcare professionals create electronic patient records. As healthcare...

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Miscellaneous Software

Sun Microsystems Unveils New Composite Application to Help Healthcare Providers Meet Their HIPAA National Provider ID Requirement

SOA-based Services Offering Protects Legacy System Investment While Providing Critical New Functionality SANTA CLARA, Calif., Dec. 5 / -- Sun Microsystems, Inc. (NASDAQ:SUNW), the creator and leading advocate of Java(TM) technology, today announced the availability of iProvider Global Identifier, Sun's newest composite application-based services offering targeted for the healthcare industry. The...

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Delivery Equipment That Really Delivers

Delivery Equipment That Really Delivers

Are you in need of safer, more efficient transportation equipment? Do you feel like your delivery equipment could really use an upgrade? Check out this video, and learn about Halo Ramp Company's patented safety platforms, and how they help you bypass your trickiest delivery challenges.

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