Miscellaneous Software

Miscellaneous Software

Software facilitates clinical trial design and monitoring.

Responding to demand for successful and safe clinical trials, EastÂ-® 5 delivers tools to guide trial sponsors through trial design options, including adaptive, group sequential, and fixed sample size clinical trials. Program offers single-look trial designs and simulations, as well as report-ready table for protocol review and study results submission. It is suited for biopharmaceutical...

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Miscellaneous Software

Multimedia Graphics Software aids ad agency personnel.

AdWonder 9.0 Flash Component enables creative agency personnel to create ads using AdobeÂ-® FlashÂ-® CS3 Professional and Flash Media server solutions. Software allows users to design, build, preview, test, and approve ads while in Adobe Flash environments. Features include work flow efficiencies, audience research, creative support, elimination of coding, MySpaceIM support, ActionScript...

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Miscellaneous Software

Software provides advanced analytics for DSPs.

Using Intelligent Video Application, P-Core(TM) video analytics engine can be embedded in variety of network edge devices, from intelligent DVRs to smart cameras. Software enables analytics for suite of behaviors simultaneously on multiple video inputs. Two channels of analytics are supported, concurrent with MPEG-4 compression at D1 resolution. Available behaviors include person and vehicle...

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Miscellaneous Software

Forecasting Software addresses changing consumer preferences.

Point of Sale (POS) Forecasting module helps businesses capture constantly changing preferences of consumers. Enabling companies to sense and respond to dynamics of consumer-driven supply chain, solution creates forecast of consumer demand that can be compared to forecast for channel demand supplied by retailers and wholesalers. Software also facilitates incorporation of consumer buying patterns...

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Miscellaneous Software

Software provides solution for manipulating images.

LeoPicture v1.6 allows manipulation of images for digital photography, web design, and scientific applications. Files can be opened and saved in .bmp, .jpg, .tif, .gif, .png, .emf, .exf, and .wmf formats, and color distribution and symmetry patterns in image can be analyzed and presented in MS Word report. User interface displays intermediate variants of picture in array of thumbnails that can be...

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Miscellaneous Software

Software provides covert surveillance of computer use.

With iMonitorPC v1.2.0, users can see exactly what people have been doing online and offline. Software records user's activity, such as programs used, websites visited, chat room activity, and social network usage. Password-protected program also includes selective website blocking, activity reports, screen shots, optional user warnings, and program usage limits.

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Miscellaneous Software

Science Software aids in crystallization modeling.

Run under Windows 95/98/ME/NT 3.x/NT 4.x/2000/XP/2003, LeoCrystal v2.5 performs numerical Monte Carlo modeling of reaction on surface of growing crystal for illustrative educational and research purposes. Program lets users estimate influence of effective geometrical sizes of structure elements and thermodynamic parameters of process on topology and kinetic of crystallization. Creative...

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Miscellaneous Software

Data Grid Software offers cross-browser compatibility.

Delivering spreadsheet functionality in web application, dhtmlxGrid v1.4 enables developers to implement editable data grids without complex coding. It includes enableAutoWidth method, which automatically adjusts grid size to size of page it is placed on. With updateFromXML method, if grid content is changed in XML on server side, changed data can be automatically updated on client. Program...

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Miscellaneous Software

Download Manager Software allows automatic Internet browsing.

LeoFetch v2.9 offers options to download web pages and collect web-links, e-mails, and strings containing key words, and can search local files on hard drive. Users can save links and emails by saving all information from result tree control in one text file or by saving selected elements such as links, emails, and strings with key words shown in save results dialog box. Software runs under...

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Miscellaneous Software

Software creates tabbed interfaces.

Providing DHTML JavaScript web control, dhtmlxTabbar v1.2 allows users to create Ajax-powered navigation tabs. Program includes ability to set custom style for individual tab, auto sizing of tab based on label text, auto positioning of multi-line tabs, and Close Tab button. Tab content can be loaded from server and automatically placed on page using Ajax. Version 1.2 is cross-browser compatible...

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