USB Switch Input Module features 16-channel architecture.
Press Release Summary:

Model JSB39616 comprises USB 16-channel switch input modules. Each channel input has on-board pull-up resistor to sense switch (SW) closure or opening (SWNC), and modules have 2 connector options: on-board screw terminals or Molex KK series headers. In electrical noisy environments, DC versions provide isolated pull-up voltage and common so input channels are isolated from system side of module. Switch states can be monitored with Windows interface using DLL or managed class library.
Original Press Release:
USB 16 Channel Switch Input Module Model JSB39616
GRANADA HILLS, CALIFORNIA -- J-Works has start shipping the JSB39616 series of USB 16 channel switch input modules. Each channel input has an on-board pull-up resistor to sense switch (SW) closure or opening (SWNC). Typical applications include sensing dry contact closures from sources such as limit switches, proximity switches, selector switches, push buttons and photoelectric switches.  Modules have two connector options on-board screw terminals or Molex KK series headers. In electrical noisy environments the DC versions provide isolated pull-up voltage and common so input channels are isolated from system (USB) side of module. Switch states can be monitored with a simple to use Windows interface using either a traditional DLL or managed class library. Sample source is included showing how to use various high level languages to control the device. A Linux support disk is also available. This small form factor low cost module replaces internal pc based plug-in cards in various test, control, monitor and measurement applications. Complete product specifications available at . Single unit price for the Model JSB39616 starts at $95.00. Delivery is from stock. J-Works, Inc. is a developer and manufacturer of a complete line of USB based industrial controls and test instrumentation that supports innovative solutions for the control and test marketplace. Web page for all products