New EnduraMax 75i Provides Rated Speed of up to 5150 RPM
Press Release Summary:

- Provides 3 stack lengths with continuous rated power up to 370W, continuous rated torque up to 1.3 Nm
- Includes stainless steel shaft, 9 or 10 mm diameter shaft and seated ball bearings
- Controls torque, speed and position in a wide range of commercial/industrial applications
Original Press Release:
Allied Motion Introduces EnduraMax 75i Brushless Motor with Integral Drive: 75 mm Motordrive Unit for Maximum Torque, Speed, and Positioning Control
Amherst, NY – May 1, 2019 – Allied Motion Technologies has introduced the EnduraMax 75i Series, a 75 mm diameter brushless DC motor with an all-digital integrated drive. The compact, high power density EnduraMax 75i is capable of controlling torque, speed, and position in a wide range of commercial/industrial applications including: AGV vehicle traction or steering, medical patient-handling equipment, rotary/linear actuators, pumps, mobile HVAC blowers, and material handling systems. Compared to brush DC motors, the cost-effective EnduraMax 75i features quieter operation and longer life without the need for brush maintenance, making it the ideal choice in equipment modernizations and new designs.
The EnduraMax 75i offers three standard stack lengths with continuous rated power up to 370W, continuous rated torque up to 1.3 Nm (190 oz-in), and rated speed of up to 5150 RPM. The 12, 24, or 48 VDC winding voltage choices make the EM75i ideal for battery-powered applications. Command inputs may be: ±10 Vdc, 4 - 20 mA, or via an optional CANopen or Modbus port. Customized winding designs and voltages, shaft, and mounting options are available to meet custom application requirements.
Options include:
- Integration with Allied Motion gearboxes
- Stainless steel shaft
- 9 or 10 mm diameter shaft
- Pre-made connectorized cables
- Integral holding brake
- Sealed ball bearings
- IP67 protection level
- Stainless steel shaft and more
Media Contacts:
Agency: Julie Eleftheriou | Longren & Parks | | Mobile: 952.913.3065
Company: Ken Wyman | Allied Motion | | Office: 716-242-7535