Flow Meters offer alarm capabilities.
Press Release Summary:
Constructed of Polysulfone plastic, EZ-View® Flow Meters with Flow-Alert(TM) Flow Switches provide way to directly control alarms, warning lights, relays, or interface with PLC. Flow-Alert Flow Switch is available in AC or DC versions or in Reed Switch configurations. In all designs, modules have adjustable set points from 0-100%. They can be installed in any position, are insensitive to shock and vibration, and come in ½-2 in. port sizes.
Original Press Release:
Flow Meters Offer Cost Efficient Alarm Capability
Racine, WI - Hedland EZ-View® Flow Meters with Flow-Alert(TM) Flow Switches provide an economical way to directly control alarms, warning lights, relays or to interface with a PLC.
The Flow-Alert Flow Switch is available in AC or DC versions or in a new Reed Switch configuration. AC/DC switches feature a latching relay that latches on as the magnet inside the flow meter passes the module. In the Reed Switch design there is no mechanical linkage. When a magnet inside the flow meter comes within proximity of the module the reed switch changes state. Two reed switches - to provide low flow and high flow set points - may be used on a single flow meter. In all designs, the modules are enclosed in sealed polypropylene enclosures and set points are adjustable from 0 to 100%.
EZ-View Flow Meters are a practical solution in applications where accuracy and cost are concerns. Constructed of durable Polysulfone plastic, they can be installed in any position and they are insensitive to shock and vibration. The meters can be used with oil, water, air and compressed gasses. They are available in sizes from ½" to 2" port sizes with a variety of fittings and materials available.
Complete information on EZ-View Flow Meters and Flow-Alert Flow Switches is provided in the EZ-View catalog that is available from the manufacturer. To obtain a copy contact the company at 800-433-5263 (800 HEDLAND) or visit the Web site - www.hedland.com