ERITECH® Ground Enhancement Material Improves Grounding Effectiveness

ERITECH® Ground Enhancement Material (GEM) improves grounding effectiveness regardless of soil conditions and provides excellent permanent conductivity. GEM is ideal for areas with high resistance, such as rocky ground, mountain tops, extremely dry environments, and sandy soils. GEM is extremely effective, typically lowering the resistance of the grounding system by 40%. GEM contains cement. As it cures, GEM maintains a relatively constant resistance for the life of the grounding system. It does not dissolve, decompose or leach out with time.
GEM performs in all soil conditions, even during dry spells. It is easily installed in a slurry format for both horizontal (trench) or vertical (encased ground rods) applications. GEM is available in 11.1 kg (25 lb) bags. For more information on GEM, please call 1-800-677-9089 or visit
ERICO® is a leading designer, manufacturer and marketer of precision-engineered specialty metal products serving global niche product markets in a diverse range of electrical, commercial and industrial construction, utility and rail applications. The company is headquartered in Solon, Ohio, USA with a network of sales locations serving more than 25 countries and with manufacturing and distribution facilities worldwide. ERICO's well-known brand names include: CADDY® fixings and fasteners; CADWELD® welded electrical connections; CRITEC® surge protection devices; ERICO® rail bonds; ERIFLEX® low-voltage components; ERITECH® lightning protection and grounding; and LENTON® mechanical rebar splices. Visit ERICO online at