Benchtop Tester features RF-tight enclosure.

Press Release Summary:

Designed for troubleshooting, tuning, aligning, and testing electronic devices in RF-free environment, Model STE3000B offers access holes with ultra-fine shielded mesh gloves for equipment manipulation. Work area has built-in illumination from 4 incandescent lamps powered by RF-filtered ac supply. Double lip technology gives RF isolation of greater than 90 dB down at 1 GHz. All I/O connections and interfaces are provided within precision-machined I/O panel.

Original Press Release:

RF Tight Testing... Made Easy!

Pittsford, NY. STE3000B is an economical benchtop RF test enclosure for troubleshooting, tuning, aligning and testing electronic devices in an RF-free environment. With useful internal dimensions of 8"H x 17"W x 10½"D, STE3000B offers access holes with ultra-fine shielded mesh gloves for equipment manipulation. For applications that require several devices for sequential tuning and repair operations, STE3000B can be fitted with exactly the connectors you need for your testing. The work area has built-in illumination from four low-voltage incandescent lamps powered by an RF-filtered ac supply. Suppression is -50dB at 1GHz, which drops off to -30dB at 3GHz.

Up till now you had to invest in a very expensive RF screen room to do initial EMI testing and troubleshooting. But the economical precision-machined aluminum STE3000B maintains an RF -tight environment on your benchtop. Special "double lip" technology gives RF isolation of greater than 90dB down at 1GHz! The heavy duty RF-sealed cover hinges open and close with a precision air piston. Once closed, a large RF-tight viewing window overlooks the entire working area within the enclosure. Hands-on troubleshooting, tuning and access to the device under test are accomplished using specially designed, silver-impregnated, ultra-fine mesh gloves that offer excellent manual dexterity and hands-on access to the equipment under test. The entire interior is lined with RF-absorbent foam that provides 24dB attenuation.

All of the I/O connections and interfaces are provided within a precision machined I/O panel. This panel can be configured with custom connectors like BNCs, SMAs, etc. and other interface options without affecting the integrity of the enclosure itself. Test applications include wireless devices testing (802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, RFID, 3G, etc.) as well as initial radiation "sniffing" for preproduction layouts.

STE3000B is available from stock now from $1095.00 from Saelig Co. Inc. Pittsford NY. info(o)
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More: Alan Lowne, 585-385-1750 fax 585-385-1768 Saelig Co. Inc, 1160-D2 Pittsford-Victor Rd. Pittsford, NY 14534 USA.

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