Vibratory Screeners Help Safety Screen Mustard Flour at Colman's

Colman's have improved process efficiency following the installation of two compact 900 vibratory sieving machines supplied by Russell Finex.
Founded in 1858 by Jeremiah Colman, the company originally manufactured only mustard, but has since grown to manufacture and distribute a variety of condiments and sauces used to add spice to many sweet and savory dishes.
Following the crushing and grinding of mustard seeds, a key step in the manufacturing process is the sieving of mustard flour to remove hulls and bran, to ensure quality control.
Previously the plant employed four 40- year-old spring-suspension open top sieves, to screen the mustard flour. Using bristle brushes to push the flour through the mesh screen, these antiquated sieves required continuous maintenance and also released potentially hazardous dust into the working environment.
By working closely with the experienced engineers at Russell Finex, Colman's now only use two vibratory Compact Sieve® machines, to achieve the two tons per hour production rate of finished mustard flour, compared to the four old sieves. The Russell Compact Sieves® are designed for ease of installation, operation and are virtually maintenance free. Its advanced design means the sieve fits neatly into existing production lines, without requiring extra space. The Russell Compact Sieve® machines are also completely enclosed, to protect operators from harmful dust and fumes.
To further enhance the performance of the vibratory screeners, the sieving machines installed at the Colman's plant were each fitted with a Russell Vibrasonic® Deblinding System (VDS). An ultrasonic system that eliminates blinding and blocking of mesh apertures. With the vibrasonics activated, the powdered mustard flour is able to pass through the sieve mesh screen faster – increasing sieving capacities and providing a consistent flow rate.
A key benefit to the new sieve installation is that operators are no longer required to supervise the sieving operation, giving significant savings in labor and downtime costs. The non-contact method of continuous screen cleaning provides consistently high throughputs, allowing the mustard flour to pass straight through the vibrating mesh screen and onto the next process stage. The mesh is only cleaned at the end of a production run, which is made easy due to the use of quick release hand operated clamps which enable fast screen changes without the need for tools.
Another useful benefit is the noise reduction, comments Colman's Mill Manager Mick McGary "they are so quiet you do not know they are running". The Russell Compact Sieve® typically operates at less than 70dBA, due to the sieve's solid rubber.
With its combination of ultrasonics and conventional vibration, the new sieving system is successfully providing the high throughputs and accurate screening at very fine mesh sizes that Colman's require in order to maximize productivity and ensure the highest quality control standards.
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For more than 80 years Russell Finex have manufactured and supplied vibratory separators, industrial filters, screens and sieves to improve product quality, enhance productivity, safeguard worker health, and ensure liquids and powders are contamination-free. Throughout the world, Russell Finex serve a variety of industries with applications including chemicals, food, pharmaceuticals, adhesives, plastisols, paint, coatings, metal powders and ceramics.
Russell Finex Inc
625 Eagleton Downs Dr,
Pineville, NC 28134
Tel: 704-588-9808
For More PR Information Contact:
Sarah Morris – Russell Finex Inc
Phone 704-588-9808