Aprima Medical Software, Inc

AC/DC Power Supplies meet IEC/EN/ES 60601-1 medical standards.
Electrical Equipment & Systems

AC/DC Power Supplies meet IEC/EN/ES 60601-1 medical standards.

AC/DC Power Supplies are available in 15 and 30 watt models and offer reinforced double I/O isolation system. Units can be operated at an altitude of 5000 m and are suitable for body floating applications. Products provide earth leakage current less than 100 ìA and are operated in a temperature range of –40°C to +60°C. 15 watt version comes in 1.0 in. x 2.6 in. package format where as 30...

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FormXtra 6.3 Software is suitable for business service provider.

FormXtra 6.3 Software is suitable for business service provider.

FormXtra 6.3 Software enables user to convert black and white forms such as claims to simulate drop-out ink forms. Unit supports identification of electronic PDFs and allows operator to classify and visually analyze the documents easily. Product uses deep-learning technology and can be used to streamline the processing of the documents with any data type. Software uses invoice data location for...

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