Workshop helps eliminate defects in petroleum production.

Press Release Summary:

OilPro Game® consists of 2-day interactive simulation workshop that focuses on educating and motivating front line workforce to participate in defect elimination activities in petroleum production environment. Workshop promotes integration of real-life petroleum production while addressing health, safety, and environmental considerations. It is conducted in-house for up to 24 or 36 participants.

Original Press Release:

Games in the Workplace

The OilPro Game® is being displayed at the 2006 Offshore Technology Conference

TX - May 1,2006 - Ledet Enterprises, Inc. is featuring The OilPro Game® at the Offshore Technology Conference being held May 1-4, 2006 at Reliant Center in Houston, Texas.

The OilPro Game®, a version of The Manufacturing Game® used by more than 168 companies at multiple sites and 35,000 people worldwide, is an interactive simulation designed to significantly improve performance for oil production assets. The OilPro Game® is a two-day workshop that focuses on educating and motivating the front line workforce to participate in defect elimination activities by promoting the use of Action Teams to eliminate defects in a petroleum production environment. The OilPro Game® workshops have been established as the prevailing tool for production environments today by promoting the integration of real-life petroleum production functionality while addressing high priority factors such as Health, Safety and Environmental considerations along with a shrinking workforce. BP has been using a customization of this simulation, The Operations Excellence Game®, for several years resulting in significant increases in production and reduced costs. Shell has offered the simulation through a global training program in 2004 and 2005.

The workshop is conducted in house for up to 24 or 36 participants at a time. On the first day and a half of the workshop, the participants play a board game that allows them to understand the importance of defect elimination experientially. There are 6 participants per game board and either 4 or 6 game boards per workshop. The afternoon of the second day is spent applying the lessons learned to the real work that the participants perform at their own assets. This is done in the form of Action Teams - groups of 4 to 6 participants focused on eliminating a defect in the next 90 days.

The impact of eliminating these nagging defects very early in their life is extremely important to achieving operational excellence. By eliminating repetitive failures, these improvement activities free up time and resources to implement proactive measures that would otherwise require extra budget and headcount or would simply go undone. By unleashing the creativity of the front line, Action Teams at a given site will find savings worth hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars. The OilPro Game® workshops help to build the culture required to have significant and lasting change.

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