Wireless Remote Camera suits multiple applications.

Press Release Summary:

Able to operate for several months on one set of 3 AA batteries, MailboxCam can be used to monitor mailboxes, infants, doorways, driveways, legal activity, and more from up to 300 ft away. It transmits and receives on 2.4 GHz frequency and features remote on and off capability. System comes with 4.6 x 4.6 x 3 in. camera, hand-held transmitter, audio/video cables, receiver, and 8 V/12 V dc power adapters.

Original Press Release:

New MailboxCam Wireless Remote Camera Design Offers Technological Versatility

Unprecedented Battery Life Also Sets New Camera Apart.


(Lino Lakes, Minnesota) - It's a technological device originally designed as a mailbox camera but has developed into a gadget with multiple applications. The MailboxCam is a patented wireless battery powered camera system that is perfect for monitoring infants, doorways, driveways and more. What sets the product apart from other wireless camera systems is that it can operate for several months on just one set of AA batteries. Most similar cameras on the market can only operate for around 10 hours on a single set of three AA batteries.

"I came up with the original idea after observing my wife's grandfather," says MailboxCam inventor Scot Jezierski. "At 88 years of age, he would make several trips up and down the stairs of his apartment building each day to check for mail delivery." Jezierski invented a wireless remote control MailboxCam that allows a person to simply check a standard television screen to see if the mail was in the box yet.

The MailboxCam worked so well the company began expanding on the uses and application of this practical new technology. Because the user is able to turn the MailboxCam on and off remotely, the system can be used as a front door or driveway monitor, as an infant monitor, or for any legal monitoring activity where a wired connection isn't possible. The wireless video and audio signal carries almost 300 feet. The MailboxCam offers a unique solution to the problems associated with remote wireless viewing and a limited battery life.

MailboxCam Specs:
Approximate MailboxCam Size: 4.6" x 4.6" x 3"
Transmission/Receiving Frequency: 2.4 GHz
Includes: MailboxCam, Long Range Hand Held Transmitter, Audio/Video Cables, Receiver, DC8V/DC12V Power Adapters.

The MailboxCam lists for $199.95 and can be purchased online at www.wirelessimaging.com or by calling 651.470.9507

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