Weather Station offers definable visual and audible alarms.
Press Release Summary:

For all real and calculated parameters, alarm feature on Weather Display lets users select upper and lower limits. Audible and visual alarms are triggered whenever conditions exceed any of said limits. Visual green circle graphic turns red when alarm conditions are present, while audible beeping alarm can be manually dismissed or will automatically shut off when secondary user-defined limit is reached.
Original Press Release:
New Weather Alarm Feature on CWS Weather Display
CWS is releasing a new alarm feature on the Weather Display. For all real and calculated parameters, users can select upper and lower limits which trigger audible and visual alarm. A visual green circle graphic turns red when alarm conditions are present. An audible beeping alarm sounds. The audible alarm can be manually dismissed or will automatically shut off when a secondary user defined limit is reached.
This feature has been developed in conjunction with CWS customer the Dalles Dam on the Columbia River. The weather display is located in the control operator's office. Monitoring wind speed is critical. When a certain limit is reached, some operations are curtailed.
Columbia Weather Systems manufactures weather stations in the United States for industries and government agencies worldwide where weather conditions affect profit and safety.