VAZ 1100 Film & Fiber Shredder from Vecoplan

Film & Fiber Shredder from Vecoplan

The VAZ 1100 K XL FF shredder was specifically designed to shred plastic film in the quickest and most efficient manner possible. Engineered to solve the "self–feeding" problem associated with flexible, high tenacity materials "the VAZ 1100 K XL FF is economical to purchase, economical to operate and delivers a very quick ROI" according to Marty Kennedy, Vecoplan's Executive Vice President.

The VAZ 1100 K XL FF features Vecoplan's patented SureCut shredding system that delivers

built-in 2-stage auxiliary size reduction, in a single pass. Other features include a special reinforced close tolerance screen configuration, and an application specific "wedge" fixed counter knife. Designed for high throughput, the shredder also has built-in metering capabilities and thermal monitoring controls. In addition to preventing film from wrapping around the cutting rotor during processing, the SureCut system also delivers precise cut lengths. 

The VAZ 1100 K XL FF's 42" x 52" hopper in-feed opening provides true dump and run operation for a wide variety of loose or baled plastic films, as well as short pile carpet. The shredding chamber employs a patented Vecoplan single shaft U-Rotor, that is 15" in diameter, powered by a 60 hp drive motor, and embedded with, 48 standard plus 28 nip, cutting inserts. Each inexpensive, bolt-on cutting insert can be rotated to four different wear points before replacement.

For more information Vecoplan's comprehensive line of industrial shredders and complete size reduction and recycling systems call 336-861-6070 or email


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