Using National Instruments LabVIEW(TM) with Dyne Systems Controls

Dynamometer test cell operators who are already comfortable using LabVIEW(TM) will be glad to hear that all Dyne Systems dynamometer and throttle controllers are LabVIEW compatible. Although any programming environment (C, C++, Visual Basic, Dyne Systems' Cell Assistant, etc.) can be used, many non-programmers prefer the popular LabVIEW for its ease of use.
For the Inter-Loc V multi-loop dynamometer and throttle controller, extensive prebuilt LabVIEW (and Visual Basic) libraries are available for virtually any function that may be needed, from simple control to complex data acquisition functions. For our single-loop dynamometer and throttle controllers, these libraries are not necessary, as the commands can be wrapped in LabVIEW VI's to simplify programming.
Users of Dyne Systems controls who are seasoned programmers can have access to the C++ source files. Those who prefer an easier development environment have the options of using Microsoft Visual Basic, Dyne Systems Cell Assistant, or National Instruments LabVIEW. For more information, contact the Sales Group by email, or phone (800) 657-0726.