Tool-Tracking Module assigns identifiers to tool parts.

Press Release Summary:

Family Tool Tracking module, for use with Portrait and Panorama v4.10, provides processors with capability to run and track multiple parts simultaneously on same machine. Capabilities include forecasting material requirements and completion dates by component part, tracking scrap factors by individual components, and maintaining accurate inventory counts. Traceability is provided for quality documentation, and packaging and labeling instructions are created by individual part number.

Original Press Release:

PlantStar Introduces Family Tool Tracking

South Bend, IN - SYSCON-PlantStar is releasing a new Family Tool Tracking module for use with the Portrait and Panorama, v4.10, real-time information management systems. This new module offers processors the ability to run and track multiple parts simultaneously on the same machine.
Critical capabilities include:

o Forecast material requirements and completion dates by component part
o Track scrap factors by individual components
o Maintain accurate inventory counts
o Provide traceability for quality documentation
o Create packaging and labelling instructions by individual part number

With Family Tool Tracking, a unique part identifier is assigned to each piece of a multiple part tool to track parts as individual jobs rather than by tool number. Individual products are considered "children" of a "parent" job. This identifier is assigned to the "children" when the original product standard or "parent" is created. The product standard contains all the information about every part of the tool.

This module helps processors gain control of selective production. When scheduling a multiple part tool, you have every part number belonging in that "family", so nothing is missed and "children" can be deselect if they are not to be run. This is a significant benefit when the customer requires just one part of a left/right, top/bottom, or front/back configuration.

Tracking each piece of a multiple part tool provides critical real-time production data on net parts, pieces-to-go, rejects, scrap, material requirements, SPC statistics...any characteristic associated with a child. Processors will get a clear picture of each cavity's performance to develop accurate inventories, product costs for current production runs and future job estimates.

All of the attributes of the children become a permanent part of the parent's job history where it can be retrieved from the PlantStar database in its entirety. This family history will not have to be recreated when the job runs again and can be imported or exported for use with other third-party MRP/ERP systems. With PlantStar's browser-based navigation tools, the family tool history is available, in real time, either at the plant floor PC, data collection module or any workstation located on the corporate network.

For additional information about PlantStar Systems, contact Lyn Davis, at SYSCON-PlantStar, 574-232-3900 Ext. 203 - e-mail: -

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