Software provides analysis for C# code.

Press Release Summary:

ReSharper v3.0 supports Visual Basic .NET, XML, and XAML with cross-language functionality that allows interoperability in working with mixed C# and Visual Basic projects. With code analysis functionality, software detects new warnings and errors on the fly, and also offers code suggestions. Go to Symbol navigation/search feature helps developers find any file member in their solution, while Unit Test Explorer is designed for keeping track of to-do notes in closed files.

Original Press Release:

JetBrains Releases ReSharper 3.0

Popular Visual Studio add-in extends C# functionality, covers several new languages

Prague, Czech Republic, June 18, 2007 - JetBrains, creators of intelligent, productivity-enhancing applications, today announced the release of version 3.0 of ReSharper, the company's award-winning intelligent productivity add-in for Microsoft Visual Studio. This release is spearheaded by a major expansion into new languages, with full-featured support for Visual Basic .NET, XML and XAML, backed by comprehensive cross-language functionality. It also brings a host of new productivity-enhancing features such as deeper-than-ever code analysis available for C#, a superior unit testing solution, efficient handling of To-do lists, and handy new navigation and search commands.

"With this release we are embracing a greater part of the Visual Studio world in trying to bring ReSharper's intelligence and productivity-boosting features to developers working with more than just C#," said Valentin Kipiatkov, JetBrains' Chief Technology Officer. "In addition, we have found yet more ways to improve the Visual Studio experience for our users, from extra-deep and insightful code analysis, to go-to-symbol navigation, to enhanced unit testing, to support of XML and XAML. At the end of the day, that's what our business is all about."

Significant improvements and new features in ReSharper 3.0 include:

o Unique code analysis for C# code. In addition to detecting new warnings and errors on the fly, ReSharper offers code suggestions. These insights into your code offer clever analysis and let you not only see actual and potential errors, but also notice questionable code design - all while you type.

o Multiple productivity enhancers across all languages. The most far-reaching navigation/search feature of all, Go to Symbol, is going to help developers find any file member in their solution in seconds. Other additions include a revamped Unit Test Explorer, a To-do Explorer for keeping track of to-do notes, even in closed files, and more features.

o Full-featured Visual Basic .NET support. The majority of ReSharper's features are now available for VB.NET code, including smart navigation and search, code refactorings, smart code completion options, code assistance, code generation and more, all resulting a truly enhanced Visual Basic .NET experience in Visual Studio.

o Cross-language functionality. ReSharper ensures interoperability in working with mixed C# and Visual Basic projects: usage search, refactorings, quick-fixes and context actions take into account all code written in either language, whenever possible.

o XML and XAML support. Extensive support for XML and XAML is now available, answering the needs of many of our existing and potential users.

In addition to its full edition- which offers C# and VB.NET support with cross-language functionality, ReSharper is now available in two separate, targeted editions: C# and VB.NET. These language-focused editions still offer all the powerful ReSharper features but without the cross-language functionality.

Complete product information about JetBrains ReSharper is available at

ReSharper 3.0 is available for a 30-day free trial download at No evaluation licenses are required.

New customers can purchase ReSharper 3.0 online at

About JetBrains

JetBrains is a technology-leading software development firm specializing in the creation of intelligent, productivity-enhancing software. The company is widely known for its innovative, award-winning Java integrated development environment, IntelliJ IDEA (see details on the Web at, ReSharper for C# developers (see, dotTrace profiler for .NET applications (see, and TeamCity, a cross-platform team productivity environment (see

JetBrains maintains its headquarters in Prague, Czech Republic, with its R&D labs located in St. Petersburg, Russia and Boston, Massachusetts. For more information, see

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