Software measures and reports on use of system resources.

Press Release Summary:

Application Performance Analyzer for z/OS® v1.1 helps optimize performance of existing application resources, response time of online transactions, and batch turnaround times. Able to isolate performance problems in applications, program performance analysis tool also tests effect of increased workloads on systems. It provides operational flexibility with support for CICS, Assembler, COBOL, PL/I, DB2®, IMS, and WebSphere® MQ.

Original Press Release:

IBM Application Performance Analyzer V1.1 Monitors Application Use of System Resources

At a glance

Application Performance Analyzer is an application program performance analysis tool that helps you to:

Optimize the performance of your existing application resources

Improve the response time of your online transactions and batch turnaround times

Isolate performance problems in applications

Provide maximum flexibility with support for CICS, Assembler, COBOL, PL/I, DB2®, IMS, and WebSphere® MQ

Test the effect of increased workloads on your systems

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IBM Application Performance Analyzer for z/OS®, an application program performance measurement tool for use on IBM z/OS systems, measures and reports on how system resources are used. You can use Application Performance Analyzer to measure applications executing in any z/OS address space, for example a step in a batch region, transactions executing under an online subsystem (such as IMS(TM) or CICS® transactions), a TSO region, and so on. Measurement is performed during an "Observation Session." During such a session, Application Performance Analyzer makes repeated observations of the process being measured. Application Performance Analyzer helps you maximize the performance of your existing hardware resources and helps you improve the performance of your applications and subsystems.

Application Performance Analyzer aids the application design, development, and maintenance cycle. It evaluates application prototypes in the design phase, reviews the impact of increased data volume or changes in business requirements on performance, and generates historical data and reports to analyze performance trends and evaluate program changes for cost effectiveness.

Planned availability dates

English - June 24, 2005

Japanese - November 25, 2005

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