Software logs and limits printing activity on print server.

Press Release Summary:

HSLAB Print Logger Server Edition v4 monitors set of print job parameters and records detailed information into XML database, allowing users to operate charges and limit use of printers by employees. Users can access data records and build custom reports using any XML parsers, or integrate job information into corporate information system. Designed as native Windows NT/2000/XP/2003 service, software includes applications for configuration, control, and remote reporting.

Original Press Release:

HSLAB Print Logger Server Edition v 4 - Lower Your Printing Expenses by Setting Quotas for Printing!

Lower your printing expenses by setting quotas for printing!

Handy Software Lab has released v 4 of HSLAB Print Logger Server Edition, a Windows NT/2000/XP/2003 software that logs and limiting all printing activity on a network print server.

HSLAB Print Logger monitors the set of a print jobs parameters and records detailed information into XML database. This information lets you operate your charges, limit use of printers by your employees, receive detailed (including graphic) information about all print jobs.

Software designed as a native Windows NT/2000/XP/2003 service, and also includes a separate applications to configure and control the service and remote reporting utility. You can easily export reports in MS Excel, HTML, XML, XLS and CSV formats. Also you can see real-time statistics in HTML format from embedded HTTP server using your favorite web browser.

HSLAB Print Logger stores its data in the XML database. This format lets you access the database records and build custom reports using any XML parsers or integrate print jobs information into your corporate information system.

HSLAB Print Logger costs 119 Euros for one print server. Number of printers is unlimited. Orders may be completed online at Demo version is also available.

Free evaluation copy available from:

Contact Name: Oleg Golub
Organization: Handy Software Lab
Title: HSLAB Print Logger SE

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