Software facilitates hosted IM security and compliance.

Press Release Summary:

Designed to meet carrier-class requirements, IMAuditor-MT enables managed service providers to offer security, control, management, compliance, and application integration for safe and productive use of IM and other real-time communications applications. Service providers can see number of messages per company per network, total messages, and top IM-message-traffic customers. Single IMA installation infrastructure can service multiple customers while guaranteeing mutual privacy.

Original Press Release:

FaceTime Delivers Solution for Hosted IM Security and Compliance

FOSTER CITY, Calif., Oct. 31 -- FaceTime Communications, the leading provider of solutions for securing and managing greynets such as instant messaging (IM), peer-to-peer (P2P), VoIP, and web conferencing, today announced IMAuditor-MT -- part of a comprehensive IM security and compliance solution for managed service providers (MSPs). IMA-MT enables managed service providers to offer security, control, management, compliance, and application integration for the safe and productive use of IM and other real-time communications applications.

Greynet applications such as instant messaging are becoming increasingly important real-time collaboration tools for businesses of all sizes. According to Osterman Research, IM clients and systems are used in more than 90 percent of North American organizations.

In addition to the IMA-MT product, FaceTime's comprehensive MSP solution consists of service offerings including network operations (NOC) support, customized pricing, marketing programs and materials and automated updates from FaceTime's greynet research database. Using this solution MSPs can create a turnkey offering that enables organizations to block in-bound malware and spyware threats, prevent information leakage and maintain corporate and regulatory compliance requirements while realizing the productivity and cost saving benefits of real-time communications.

"Organizations that typically outsource their IT functions are recognizing the importance of securing their networks to enable the use of real-time communications applications," said Bob Hussey, managing director of Sector Inc., a leading provider of connectivity solutions, managed services and market data content for the financial services industry. "For these businesses, the ability to rely on technology from a leader such as FaceTime provides the peace of mind they need to enable their workers to use these tools safely and productively."

"Controlling and managing the use of IM and other real-time communications applications is an increasing concern, presenting a strong incremental service offering for managed service providers," said Erica Ziemer, vice president of business development for FaceTime Communications. "Business customers of managed service providers now can take advantage of FaceTime's enterprise- class solution in a cost-effective managed security environment which reduces their onsite cost to implement."

IMA-MT is a purpose-built IM security, control, management, compliance, and application integration solution specifically designed for the rigorous requirements of service providers, including high performance, linear scalability, carrier-grade availability, data center-class manageability, and the low cost of adding diverse customer companies. This solution includes all the robust features of IMAuditor, which is the most widely deployed IM management solution in large enterprise networks. IMAuditor is a full-featured IM proxy that secures and manages all public and Enterprise IM use in an organization by archiving and recording instant messaging, protecting against outside threats such as spyware, viruses and worms, and guarding against information leakage from within the company.

Key features and capabilities for service provider offerings include:
-- Role based administration -- Provides both customer and service provider with configuration and reporting privileges to effectively manage hosted implementation.
-- Directory Synchronization -- Ability to synchronize the directory server (on or off premises) of customer companies in the hosted environment with their corporate directory server.
-- Mutual privacy -- Single IMA installation infrastructure can service multiple customers, while guaranteeing mutual privacy.
-- Local Routing -- IM conversations among users of the same customer company will be confined to the customer's LAN, the network connection between the customer and the MSP's NOC (possibly a VPN connection), and the IMA cluster in the MSP's NOC network itself.
-- Data Center Monitoring -- Service provider administrator has the ability to see the number of messages per company per network, total messages, and top IM-message-traffic customers.
-- Buddy Name Management -- Allows standardized naming convention and allows Employee IDs to be effectively mapped to buddy names in the hosted environment.

These specific, multi-tenancy capabilities help MSPs to provide best-of- breed IM and greynet security while reducing the cost for their customers. MSPs can now architect and install, manage and provision IMAuditor security solutions meeting carrier class requirements including performance, scalability and manageability. In addition, IMA-MT's flexible administration options allow service providers to offer tiered service levels to their customers who want to manage portions of their IM policies and security settings.

IMA-MT is available from FaceTime and its authorized distributors and partners worldwide. For more information visit

About FaceTime Communications
FaceTime enables the safe and productive use of greynets like instant messaging, VoIP, web conferencing and P2P file sharing. FaceTime Security Labs delivers the industry's first IMPact Index, which assesses "point-in-time" risks posed by viruses, worms and other malware propagating through greynet applications. Ranked the worldwide leader by IDC for the past three years, FaceTime's award-winning solutions are used by more than 800 customers, among them nine of the ten largest U.S. banks. FaceTime supports or has strategic partnerships with all leading public and private IM network providers, including AOL, Google, Microsoft, Yahoo!, IBM, Reuters, Bloomberg, and Jabber.

FaceTime is headquartered in Foster City, California. For more information visit or call 888-349-FACE.

NOTE: FaceTime, FaceTime Communications, IMAuditor, RTGuardian, GEM, FaceTime Enterprise Edition, FaceTime Security Labs, IMPact Index, and the FaceTime logo are registered trademarks and trademarks of FaceTime Communications, Inc. Other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

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