Software exposes and deletes spyware and other malware.

Press Release Summary:

Run under Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista x86, Spyware Process Detector v3.00 uses 16 methods of detection to reveal all processes running on computer, including hidden ones. It then displays report with color-coded threat ratings based on intelligent analysis of all hidden properties and shows details about each item listed. Coupled with antivirus program, solution provides additional layer of security against new and unknown viruses with or using alien code.

Original Press Release:

Expose Spyware Before It Exposes You!

System SoftLab ( has announced the immediate availability of Spyware Process Detector 3.00, which will expose and delete spyware, Trojans, and viruses residing on your computer. Coupled with an antivirus program, it provides an additional layer of security against new viruses, which are not known to the antivirus software.

Spyware Process Detector will reveal all processes running on the computer, including the hidden ones, and display a report with the threat rating based on the intelligent analysis of all hidden properties. The analysis is accurate and complete. If there is any dangerous or potentially dangerous process, the program will mark it with red, which stands for the highest rating of danger. All other "peaceful" processes are marked with green. Anything in between is marked with yellow. This color-coded rating allows you to see threats at one glance.

Besides, the color-coded rating, the program will also show other details about each process, such as its ID, parent ID, security status, EXE filename, file path, description, etc. Once there is a process marked as red or yellow, users can choose whether to delete it or mark it as safe. The list of processes can be exported to the Excel format for further analysis in other applications.

Spyware Process Detector is able to detect all processes even those that are transparent to Windows Task Manager and similar software. This specialty is achieved thanks to 16 methods of process detection implemented in the product. Another specialty of the program is its ability to detect a process that contains and executes an alien code of another process.

The current release, 3.00, has one significant change - it supports new Windows Vista x86.

Please, explore to find out more about Spyware Process Detector. You may also want to download its 14-day fully functional evaluation copy to test it for free.

Pricing and Availability
Spyware Process Detector 3.00 runs under Microsoft Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista x86 and costs $24,90 (US) for a single-user license. Discounts for volume buyers are available. Registered users are entitled to free technical support for life and free minor version upgrades. Additional information on the product is available from

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