Software bridges DAQ devices and SPC software.
Press Release Summary:
Synergy 2000 Data Link v3.0 brings formatted text data from high-speed data acquistion and automation control equipment into real-time SPC environment. Manufacturers benefit from speed and accuracy of precision measurement and inspection hardware as they monitor, chart, and react to process variation. Once data has been entered into Synergy 2000, it immediately becomes available for analysis, reporting, and historical comparison.
Original Press Release:
Zontec Enhances Industrial Automation Capabilities
Cincinnati, OH - April 19, 2004 - Zontec Inc. has announced a series of enhancements to its Synergy 2000" Data Link program that brings formatted text data from high-speed data acquisition and automation control equipment such as coordinate measurement machines (CMMs) and programmable logic controllers (PLCs) into a real-time statistical process control (SPC) environment.
Data Link 3.0 provides the "bridge" between the data acquisition devices and Zontec's Synergy 2000 Statistical Process Control Software. Data Link lets manufacturers benefit from the speed and accuracy of their precision measurement and inspection hardware as they monitor, chart and react to process variation. Once the data has been entered into Synergy 2000, it immediately becomes available for analysis, reporting and historical comparison by Quality Departments, Process Engineers and Corporate Management.
The Data Link 3.0 enhancements include:
o Support for attribute data
o Handling of variable and attribute data combinations within the same output files
o Capture of unique identifiers for traceability and audit trails
o Retention of configuration settings
o Automatic startup
o Support for TXT, CSV and DAT outputs
o E-mail alerts for out-of-control, out-of-specification conditions
o More flexible file navigation to output files
Data Link and Synergy 2000 are designed for Microsoft. Windows. Operating Systems.
Zontec became one of the first companies to offer SPC software for personal computers 21 years ago. Since then, its technology has been adopted by more than 5,000 companies spanning virtually every industrial category.