Software automates service level agreement management.

Press Release Summary:

With Guarantee v3.0, businesses can manage, monitor, and report on quality of large number of services. Aggregation and correlation engine enables businesses to define services and inherent rules, and provides predictive capabilities that alert personnel of pending compliance issues, enabling pre-emptive repair and resolution. Users can create custom report design templates, link together multiple associated reports, and filter reports based on applications or servers.

Original Press Release:

Oblicore Makes Automated Service Level Management (SLM) Easy with Oblicore Guarantee(TM) 3.0

Third Release of Flagship Product Breaks the Complexity Barrier and Paves the Way for Widespread Adoption of SLM by the Mainstream Market

itSMF CHICAGO, Sept. 19 /-- Oblicore, Inc., a leading provider of enterprise software that automates the management and reporting of service level agreements (SLAs), today announced at the fifth annual IT Service Management Forum (itSMF) USA Conference and Expo, the immediate availability of Oblicore Guarantee(TM) 3.0, the third generation of its flagship application.

Before Guarantee 3.0, the level of expertise and amount of effort required to implement sophisticated SLM automation solutions was very high, particularly for companies with many SLAs. Guarantee 3.0 introduces innovative new features that dramatically reduce this complexity. The result: mainstream businesses worldwide can now effectively manage, monitor and report on the quality of a large number of services -- those they receive from outsourcers or their own IT department and those they provide to external customers.

"Businesses are eager to become service oriented, but many do not have an effective way to measure or report on service quality until well after services are rendered or compliance issues are identified," said Lisa Erickson-Harris, research director at Enterprise Management Associates. "Oblicore Guarantee 3.0 addresses this challenge, enhancing Oblicore's capabilities for defining services and proactively managing and reporting on the compliance or non-compliance of SLAs, outsourcing contracts and other service commitments."

In the 3.0 release, the powerful aggregation and correlation engine (Oblicore ACE(TM) Technology) of Oblicore Guarantee has been enhanced so that business users can now more easily define services and their inherent rules. This streamlines the effort involved in automatically managing and reporting on tens, hundreds, thousands or even tens of thousands of individual SLAs and related service commitments (e.g., outsourcing contracts, operational level agreements, etc.). The Oblicore ACE Technology also provides sophisticated predictive capabilities that can alert personnel of pending compliance issues and then pin-point the root cause of problems, enabling pre-emptive repair and resolution.

For Oblicore customer, E.ON IS, the leading full IT service provider for the German energy industry, the ability to proactively monitor and report on SLAs and business processes is vital for optimizing service delivery and customer satisfaction. The company uses Oblicore Guarantee for monitoring service delivery performance for more than 20 internal and external customers, and for generating more than 1,000 reports for customers and E.ON IS management.

"For E.ON IS, automating SLA management and reporting with Oblicore Guarantee helps ensure service delivery remains compliant, predictable and cost effective," said Markus Heine, head of system management, E.ON IS. "We believe the new features in Oblicore Guarantee 3.0 for streamlining SLA creation and reporting will enhance E.ON IS's operations and overall customer satisfaction."

One of the more unique characteristics of Oblicore Guarantee 3.0 is the speed and ease with which it can be integrated and deployed. Leveraging a library of more than 60 pre-built data adapters and best practices honed by engagements with dozens of blue-chip customers, such as British Telecom, Cable & Wireless, E.ON IS, Norwich Union and T-Systems, the average deployment time for Oblicore Guarantee is three months.

New Features and Benefits of Oblicore Guarantee 3.0:

Oblicore Guarantee 3.0 includes over 20 new and enhanced features for speeding SLA creation, streamlining reporting and improving overall performance.

Rapid Creation of SLAs:

o Rule Creation Wizard: Simplifies the process of modeling both the business and technical terms of a service contract through a new, wizard-based interface. Users can now create SLA rules from scratch more quickly and easily.

o Service Bundles: Lets non-technical personnel easily create contracts and SLAs using a point and click interface. Reduces the time and effort required for creating or revising SLAs and also gives personnel responsible for managing service delivery greater control over the process of drafting and managing SLAs.

o Reusable Business Logic (SLALOM Modules): Oblicore's Service Level Agreement Language of Measurement (SLALOM) is a technology that makes it easy to calculate and reuse all types of service level and key performance indicators. In Guarantee 3.0 business users can readily define independent business logic modules, speeding SLA rule creation while reducing the potential for coding errors.

Enhanced Reporting:

o Breach Root Cause Comments: Enhances the identification and resolution of SLA compliance problems and reduces the potential for "information overload" by providing more accurate insight into the root cause of underlying performance issues.

o Rule Association: Defines rule logic to span multiple associated contracts and services, making it easier to monitor and manage service delivery across a "service chain."

o Additional Reporting Enhancements: New capabilities allow customers to create custom report design templates, link together multiple associated reports, filter reports based on specific applications or servers, and schedule the creation of report booklets.

Improved Functionality and Usability:

o Improved Contract Workflow and Audit Trail: Provides a workflow process so that multiple individuals can contribute to and/or approve SLA contracts. These capabilities simplify contract creation and approval and add transparency and security to the SLA lifecycle.

o CMDB Integration: Communicates directly with configuration management databases (CMDBs) to greatly simplify the process of gaining access to all underlying data sources relevant to an organization's SLAs.

o Performance & Scalability Improvements: Increases the performance of its correlation engine by up to 50 percent, and has increased reporting speed by up to 30 percent. As a result, Oblicore Guarantee can now aggregate and correlate SLA data faster than ever, while providing increased scalability to support the largest enterprise environments.

"Mainstream businesses around the world are struggling to understand whether service delivery is compliant with SLAs and other service commitments," said Frank Moss, chair of Oblicore's Advisory Board and former CEO of Tivoli Systems. "This ambiguity creates a service-delivery gap where competitive advantage and shareholder value is eroded. Oblicore Guarantee 3.0 closes the gap by providing these businesses with proven and powerful capabilities for automating the most demanding aspects of service level management and reporting."

Pricing and Availability
Oblicore Guarantee 3.0 is available immediately. Oblicore offers flexible licensing programs that scale to the needs of its customers. The average cost for a full deployment, which includes software licenses, system design, integration, training and first year's support is $500,000. Oblicore expert consultants are also available to assist in the development of effective service level agreements.

About Oblicore
Oblicore provides the fastest path to guaranteed service delivery. Dozens of blue-chip service providers and enterprises worldwide use Oblicore to reduce the cost of service delivery, achieve compliance, increase customer retention and acquisition, and monitor critical business processes. Architected to provide business-focused, top-down service level management, Oblicore delivers the most complete and integrated software as well as world- class best practices and expertise, facilitating guaranteed service delivery in record time. Headquartered in Columbia, Md., with offices across the US, Europe and Israel, Oblicore is backed by a strong, global investor base. For more information, please visit

Oblicore(TM), Oblicore ACE(TM) and Oblicore Guarantee(TM) are trademarks of Oblicore, Inc. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

CONTACT: Steve Piper of Oblicore, Inc., +1-410-290-8798,;

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