Software automates report mining.

Press Release Summary:

TextPipe Pro v7.0 text conversion, transformation, and report mining workbench provides single point of maintenance for all text processing tasks. Features include Unicode search/replace and pattern match/replace. It handles structured and unstructured reports, comma-delimited, tab-delimited and fixed-width data, along with HTML and XML. With throughput rates to 400 MB/min, software can be automated, embedded, or scripted from any programming language.

Original Press Release:

Define, Test And Automate Complex Report Mining Without Coding

Melbourne, Australia - July 29, 2004 - Crystal Software announces TextPipe Pro 7.0, its enhanced industrial strength text conversion, transformation and report mining workbench.

TextPipe 7.0 is the first application to offer automated Unicode search and replace, automated Unicode pattern matching and replacing, and over 150 conversions between Unicode and encodings such as Japanese Shift-JIS and Chinese BIG5.

TextPipe is used extensively by banks, systems integrators, database consultants, IT consultants, mail houses, publishers, federal and state government agencies, universities and law courts - in 62 countries - anyone that routinely deals with text.

TextPipe handles structured and unstructured reports, comma-delimited, tab-delimited and fixed-width data, HTML and XML, spooled print files and text files of any size and dimension.

And it's fast too - with Woolworths (South Africa) reporting 400MB per minute throughput.

TextPipe provides a single point of maintenance for all text processing tasks. TextPipe's visual development environment makes it easy to define and test tasks without coding. TextPipe can restrict the scope of a change to line and column ranges, CSV fields, lines matching a pattern, HTML/XML tags and attributes, and combinations of these.

TextPipe can be automated, embedded, or scripted from your favorite programming language.


From: Crystal Software Australia,
Contact: Simon Carter,
Phone: +61-3 9888-3104 Fax: +61-3 8610-1234


Single user pricing starts at USD 299/EUR 279. A free evaluation can be downloaded from the company's website. Also available: A consultant's Run Time Edition (editing disabled, USD 149/EUR 135), and an application programmer's TextPipe Engine (USD 500/EUR 443).


TextPipe requires Windows 95/98/NT/2000/ME/XP/2003 and 16MB of memory. The download file is 4MB. Installation requires 8MB.


Founded in 1990, Crystal Software has its headquarters in Melbourne, Australia, and has over 2000 customers in 62 countries. Its charter is to provide IT professionals with time saving data analysis tools. In addition to TextPipe, Crystal Software offers:

. DataPipe, a utility that makes it easy to search and replace information in live databases;

. WordPipe, an application that lets you search and replace multiple phrases across multiple Word documents in a single operation;

. ExcelPipe, an application that lets you search and replace multiple phrases across multiple Excel spreadsheets in a single operation;

. ResumePipe; a utility that saves Human Resources professionals' time and money while processing applicants' resumes;

. DetachPipe, a program to detach, delete and compress attachments from large email accounts, while maintaining a clickable link to the documents;

. and other productivity software for Windows.

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