Software accesses emissions source data in real-time.

Press Release Summary:

Environmental Portfolio Manager (EPM) extracts emissions source data from single, multiple, and enterprise-wide sources. Solution integrates with existing information assets to extract operational data and automatically calculate performance metrics. Users create calculations based on regulatory requirements and generate emissions reports. Automated environmental emissions reporting is accomplished via online compliance monitoring and instant report generation.

Original Press Release:

Pavilion Environmental Portfolio Manager Aids Industry with EPA New Source Review Reforms

Industrial Facilities Can Take Full Advantage of New Options and Incentives Through Access to Real-Time Emissions Source Data

AUSTIN, Texas - December 3, 2002 - By anticipating the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) November 22 announcement regarding improvements to the New Source Review (NSR) program, Pavilion Technologies, Inc. allows industrial facilities to take full advantage of the regulatory changes with Environmental Portfolio Manager (EPM). This award-winning software solution has the flexibility to extract emissions source data in real-time from single, multiple and enterprise-wide sources.

The reforms made by the EPA are intended to remove current, unintentional barriers preventing industrial facilities to invest in energy efficiency and pollution control projects. The reforms, a result of findings in a June 2002 Report to the President on NSR, will allow facilities greater flexibility, and provide incentives, for implementing technologies and controls to provide accurate calculations of emissions of air pollution.

"Our EPM solutions integrate with existing information assets to extract emissions and operational data in real-time and automatically calculate performance metrics," said Paul Reinermann, director of environmental and regulatory affairs at Pavilion. "EPM users can create calculations based on regulatory requirements and generate emissions reports on demand to take advantage of the newly instituted incentives."

One option of the NSR reforms includes the institution of Plantwide Applicability Limits (PALs). The intent of a PAL is to encourage facilities to operate within strict site-wide emissions caps. In return, the facility will be given flexibility to modify operations without undergoing extensive NSR, as long as the modifications do not cause emissions to violate their plant-wide cap.

Pavilion's EPM can allow industrial facility managers to take advantage of the PALs by providing a way to monitor emissions in real time, ensuring they remain within the set caps. EPM automates the complex and time-intensive process of environmental emissions reporting by performing required rolling average and other calculations in real-time, allowing for online compliance monitoring and instant report generation.

"EPM's architecture is designed to calculate compliance in real-time with individual emission limits as well as PALs," said Reinermann. "Users can document compliance with the new reforms at any given time in a matter of minutes."

EPM can be used for one emissions source, but its strength is in the management of emissions from multiple sources, including compliance and assistance with local, state and federal mass emissions caps. EPM users can easily monitor, report and track multiple sources in minutes.

The EPA's announcement can be accessed at:

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More than 350 top companies worldwide rely on Pavilion performance optimization software and services to create millions of dollars in value every day. Pavilion's model-based technology allows decision-makers throughout the enterprise to tie action to strategy, creating a more prosperous company with every decision. Pavilion's vision is based on an approach to business called REO Real-time Enterprise Optimization the idea that an enterprise can continually optimize its performance by sensing and responding to business dynamics. Established in 1991 and headquartered in Austin, Texas, Pavilion Technologies, Inc. is a privately held corporation with offices in the U.S., Belgium, Japan, Australia and New Zealand.

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