SDK enables movie creation, editing, and export.

Press Release Summary:

Utilizing plug-in ActiveX controls, BB FlashBack SDK v2.0 enables developers and software publishers to incorporate screen recording, movie playback, and editing features into applications. Based on BB FlashBack screen recorder, it is compatible with development environments including Delphi, .NET, and Visual Studio. Available in Basic, Professional, and Advanced versions, SDK is used in usability testing, web conferencing, call centers, and support systems.

Original Press Release:

Blueberry Releases BB FlashBack SDK

Blueberry Software has released the latest version of its screen recording software development kit, BB FlashBack SDK.

BB FlashBack SDK 2.0 offers developers and software publishers an easy way to incorporate screen recording, movie playback and editing features into their applications, using plug-in ActiveX controls.

SDK 2.0 is based on the high-performance recording engine used in Blueberry's award-winning BB FlashBack screen recorder - a product which has been acknowledged for its performance level, its intuitive interface, and its sheer ease of use.

Three versions of SDK 2.0 are available: Basic, which allows the recording and playback of BB FlashBack movies; Professional, which adds movie editing and sound support; and Advanced, which has all the features of the BB FlashBack product. These include extensive editing functions that allow the user to add text effects, edit mouse movements, change the movie speed and add sound. The screen recordings can be exported to multimedia formats such as Flash, AVI, WMV or EXE for use on a CD-ROM.

Managing Director, Martin Green, comments: "BB FlashBack SDK 2.0 is the most powerful screen-recording toolkit on the market, providing in a single package complete support for movie creation, editing and export.

"Representing over 8 man-years development, it makes screen-recording technology cheaper and more accessible than ever before."

SDK 2.0 is compatible with all major development environments, including Delphi, .NET and Visual Studio.

Applications include:
o Usability testing - create custom tools to record user interaction.
o Web conferencing - to allow recording of presentations over the Internet.
o In Call Centres - to help give operators feedback on their use of programs.
o In support systems - integrate recording of user actions to help debug programs.

"Interest in the SDK is running very high," Martin said. "In fact we've already sold a number of licenses for the Beta version, including one to a high-profile global company wanting to record how people use their software.

"These pre-release sales, and the very positive feedback from our clients, make us very confident that SDK 2.0 will be extremely successful in the marketplace."

Peter Chen, Director of Technology at OmNovia, the web conferencing specialist, said: "After evaluating 30+ other recording products we have found the perfect solution in Blueberry's SDK."

Steve Lachs from I-logix, said: "We've been using (Blueberry's) SDK for over a year, and it's nothing short of fantastic."

You can find out more about BB FlashBack and Blueberry Software at

A trial version of BB FlashBack SDK is now available for download at:

BB FlashBack SDK Basic or Professional can be purchased online at:

For more information on BB FlashBack SDK Advanced, contact or ring: +44 (0)121 285 0201.

o Blueberry Software Ltd is a leading provider of advanced screen recording software to the international market.

o BB FlashBack SDK is priced as follows:
o Basic: $1299/ 1049 / £699
o Professional: $4999/ 3999 / £2699
o Advanced: contact Blueberry for pricing options

o Support is free for the first year, and then charged at 20% of the licence price per annum.

o In 2005, total downloads of BB FlashBack exceeded 330,000. Blueberry currently sells to over 170 countries around the world and is in the process of building a global distribution and reseller network.

o The BB FlashBack range of screen recording software combines ease-of-use with sophisticated new technology. Its versatility across a range of industries makes it an ideal tool, especially in IT support, Sales and Marketing, Education and Training - in fact in any application where users want to record and share on-screen events and procedures.

For more information, contact:

Martin Green
Managing Director
Blueberry Software Ltd
Unit T1, The Arch
48-52 Floodgate Street
Birmingham B5 5SL
United Kingdom
+44 (0)121 285 0200

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