Scranton Health System Launches Quick, Affordable Patient Safety Solution

Community Medical Center Implements Mediware's MediMAR(R) software for Medication Safety at the Bedside

SCRANTON, Pa., Dec. 22 // -- Mediware Information Systems, Inc (NASDAQ:MEDW) announces significant patient safety development for one of their key clients.

Tragic events once again have patient safety in the news, and hospitals and health systems are renewing consideration of computerized systems to improve medication safety. In Scranton, Pennsylvania, one health system's project looks to be an effective, quick and affordable alternative to typical multi-million-dollar software systems and their multiyear installations.

In October, Community Medical Center (CMC) of Scranton successfully deployed a medication management initiative it began in April, using patient safety funds from Blue Cross of Northeastern Pennsylvania. CMC worked with Mediware Information Systems, Inc. to implement MediMAR, a software system that automates medication administration and documentation processes. Most importantly to the CMC team, the MediMAR software boosts patient safety by addressing the largest source of medication errors -- those that occur at the bedside -- by enabling nurses at each step of the medication administration process with barcode-driven tools that enforce the Five Rights of medication administration. The software verifies that the right drugs are given to the right patient, at the right time and in the right form.

"We rejected the notion that successful patient safety systems have to cost $10 million and take two to three years to implement," said Joe Fisne, CMC's chief information officer. "Mediware worked with us to deliver an operational system in six months and we shrank the learning curve thanks to the experience and attitude of the experts from MediMAR and the nurses and pharmacy staff at CMC. Our system not only was online in six months, but we were getting tangible benefits and high user satisfaction within weeks of launch. Most especially," Fisne added, "the great success of the project has been due to the collaborative efforts of the key project co-coordinators Jeanie Bantell and Jody Fanning as well as the leadership of pharmacy and nursing. The highest kudos to the nursing staff for their willingness and professionalism to give up their time to see the project come to a successful conclusion."

"We didn't need the kitchen sink, but the beauty of MediMAR is we can use it as a central core and expand its reach and functionality as we need," noted Fisne. "We wanted a tool that was working yesterday, would work for us today and would fit our plans tomorrow. MediMAR fit the bill perfectly."

"One thing we learned from Mediware is that the software is only part of the solution," said Jeanie Bantell, a CMC nurse and the project manager. "We also had to look at systemic issues such as aligning operating procedures between the pharmacy and the nursing staff. It was very important to have members of the two departments meeting face to face. I am extremely proud of all involved especially the nurses on the pilot unit-they are the key to the success. The patients also seem to enjoy being a part of the learning curve"

"We like to think we've learned a few implementation tricks that can help our clients get their systems up and running quickly and effectively," said Kevin Ketzel, vice president and general manager of Mediware's Medication Management Division. "We have good technology and some of the strongest teams in the industry who bring the important tangibles such as clinical experience, technical expertise and real customer service."

The CMC project is part of a $7 million Blue Cross initiative to improve patient safety, prevent medical errors and save lives. The company invited hospitals to identify their patient safety priorities according to their specific circumstances and needs. A team of health care professionals evaluated the merits of each request and recommended funding amounts. CMC was one of 22 hospitals in northeastern and north central Pennsylvania selected for the initiative.

About Mediware

Mediware delivers powerful software solutions that encapsulate patient care instructions, reinforce patient safety practices and improve efficiencies to lower costs. Mediware targets three primary areas of patient care - Medication Management, Perioperative management and Blood transfusion, inventory and donor practices - with specialized solutions that are proven in more than 1,000 client installations. Mediware's customers include prestigious hospitals, clinics, correctional institutions, blood centers and other public and private health care institutions throughout the world. For more information about Mediware products and services, visit our web site at

For more information, please contact:

John Van Blaricum
Mediware Information Systems

Source: Mediware Information Systems, Inc

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