Robotic Pick-Up Heads gently handle wide-mouth bottles.
Press Release Summary:
Utilizing air-powered internal bladders, Wide-Mouth Bottle Grabs pick up bottles by neck from top, and attach and release in milliseconds for use in high-speed packaging lines. Able to grab with 30 psi of pressure, units prevent distortion of bottle tops and containers, especially PET plastic sports drink bottles. Grabs are made from combination of high-impact plastic, aluminum, and metal parts, and are field-serviceable by hand.
Original Press Release:
Robotic Pick-Up Heads Gently Handle Wide-Mouth Bottles
A new series of robotic grabs that use compressed air to inflate and grip wide-mouth bottles, with minimal squeezing, in production packaging applications, is being introduced by Anver Corporation of Hudson, Massachusetts.
Anver Wide-Mouth Bottle Grabs feature air-powered internal bladders that pick-up bottles gently by the neck, from the top, and attach and release in milliseconds for use in high speed packaging lines. Designed to prevent the distortion of wide-mouth bottle tops and containers, especially PET plastic sports drink bottles, they can grab using only 30 psi of pressure.
Made from a combination of high impact plastic, aluminum, and metal parts with soft rubber bladders on the inside, Anver Wide-Mouth Bottle Grabs are totally field-serviceable by hand. An addition to their full line of bottling grabs featuring air-powered bladders and FDA-approved materials, they are compatible with all major lines of bottling and packaging systems.
Anver Wide-Mouth Bottle Grabs are priced from $ 29.00 ea., depending upon size and quantity. Literature, samples, and price quotations are available upon request.
For more information contact:
Anver Corporation
Mark Laycox, Group Manager
36 Parmenter Rd.
Hudson, MA 01749
(800) 654-3500 FAX (978) 568-1570