RoboCrib Line of Dispensing Machines Exclusive to AutoCrib

AutoCrib Ends Contract with WinWare

Santa Ana, California - AutoCrib announces the end of its contract to provide RoboCrib and other industrial vending machines to WinWare, developer of CribMaster software. Effective October 1, 2008 AutoCrib software and industrial vending solutions, including the RoboCrib, will be available only through AutoCrib and its authorized distributors.

"We are committed to making the AutoCrib customer experience the best that it can be," explains Steve Pixley, CEO of AutoCrib, "We are constantly innovating to bring more software, hardware and service value to our customers. By having all of the pieces under the AutoCrib umbrella, we can innovate faster and deliver higher levels of customer service and support. It is this commitment to service and innovation that has enabled AutoCrib to lead the industrial vending industry since AutoCrib's introduction of our first machine in 1995."

RoboCrib is an innovative line of carousel-style industrial vending solutions, all of which provide quick (less than 10 seconds) secure access to virtually any unpackaged item. The original machine, the RoboCrib 2000, provides access to over 2500 items, all easily access through one of 15 automated doors serving 12 vertical tray assemblies. The smaller RoboCrib 1000 provides access to over 1000 items, and the new RoboCrib 500 provides access to over 500 items in a very small 30" x 32" footprint. Unlike many point-of-use dispensing machines, the RoboCrib manages both issue and return transactions of either fast or slow moving items in a high security environment while eliminating the need for individual re-packaging.

About AutoCrib

AutoCrib has been providing innovative industrial vending systems since 1995. The basic concept of "tool vending" has evolved into a wide variety of products that assist manufacturers in controlling perishable tooling, safety supplies, MRO supplies and other "indirect materials". The product line includes handheld scanners, automated lockers, automated cabinets, traditional vending, and robotic carousel systems. No other company provides such a variety of point-of-use dispensing technology. The systems are driven by AutoCrib's powerful software, which provides end-users with real time usage data and in many cases, updates their ERP systems. This allows manufacturers to dramatically reduce the cost of indirect supplies by as much as 50% through accountability and access control.

To date, the company has over 4000 units installed throughout North America, Europe and Australia. The systems are sold primarily through a network of over 100 industrial distributors. With the support of AutoCrib, this network has built a reputation as being one of the best installation, training, and support organizations in the business.

AutoCrib is based in Santa Ana, California with sales offices in suburban Atlanta, Cincinnati, Dallas and Chicago.

Bruce Weaver, VP Sales
AutoCrib, Inc.v
1-800-671-6051 Toll Free
1-714-274-0400 Local

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