Remote Control Software works with most operating platforms.

Press Release Summary:

NetOp Remote Control v7.5 supports most Windows platforms and allows users to remote control Linux and Solaris servers, even when using hand-held Windows CE devices. Security Server module is available for fault-tolerant centralized control of authentication, user rights, and event-based audit trails. Application also provides modular code, screen transfer algorithm, and rapid screen updates.

Original Press Release:

NetOp Remote Control v7.5

NetOp Remote Control v7.5 is the new version of the world's third largest remote control software application, boasts support for the widest range of operating platforms, enhanced security, inventory and asset management and an extensive list of valuable new features all targeted at ensuring fast, simple and secure remote control for global enterprises.

In addition to supporting virtually every Windows platform, NetOp Remote Control v7.5 now allows a user to remote control Linux and Solaris servers, even when using hand-held Windows CE devices or, for example, a Nokia Communicator. This degree of flexibility is proving increasingly valuable in business environments, especially where mobility is a key competitive parameter

With the new release, NetOp has also once again raised the standard for data security on remote control applications. Not only does it offer the strongest level of encryption available, a Security Server module is available for fault-tolerant centralized control of authentication and user rights, and event-based audit trails.

Speed remains a defining characteristic for NetOp Remote Control, even in situations where bandwidth is limited such as in wireless and mobile environments. The application's tight modular code, outstanding screen transfer algorithm and rapid screen updates has earned NetOp numerous independent performance awards. The new NetOp v7.5 consolidates NetOp's unrivalled position when it comes to speed and stability.

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New Features included in NetOp Remote Control 7.5:

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