Railcar Mover features multi-function color display.

Press Release Summary:

Commander Series Shuttlewagon® features CAN bus electrical system that functions like computer network, linking various components together in way that can be displayed on multi-function color screen. System of menus displays information for operators based on order of importance, allowing operator to tell if vehicle is operating correctly. If fault or error occurs, it often alerts operator before any other outward signs of malfunction are detected.

Original Press Release:

Shuttlewagon®'s Multi-Function Color Display Adds Versatility

With the introduction of the "Commander" series Shuttlewagon® a completely new operating system was introduced. This new operating system centered around a Can Bus electrical system that functions like a computer network, links the Shuttlewagon®'s various components together in a way that can be displayed on its multi-function color screen. The amount of information available for display is considerably more than could be shown on conventional gauges, and reduces the amount of dedicated wiring.

A system of menus displays information for operators based on order of importance, allowing the operator to quickly tell at a glance if the vehicle is operating correctly. If a fault or error occurs it often alerts the operator before any other outward signs of malfunction are detected. By following available sub menus the source of the problem can often be determined without time consuming troubleshooting and corrected before it contributes to a bigger problem.

For maintenance personnel the multi-function color display performs diagnostic functions. This readily available information helps reduce maintenance down time.
"One of the unique advantages of this system is that it allow us to add certain optional equipment without a lot of additional expense and wiring", says Don Jackson, Director of Engineering. "This reduces costs and makes it a better value for our customers."

For more information about this multi-function color display or any of our other products for railcar switching operations contact us at (816) 767-0300 or visit our website at www.shuttlewagon.com.

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