Portable Centrifuge cleans industrial fluids.

Press Release Summary:

Alfa Laval Alfie 400 disc-bowl centrifuge filters and recycles coolants and other water-based industrial fluids. 2 GPM module with high-speed, 7500 RPM, centrifuge offers feed and discharge pumps, inlet strainer, inlet and outlet hoses with quick disconnects, floating suction device, and collection tank for tramp oil and electrical control. It operates on single-phase 110V power.

Original Press Release:

Fully Portable High Speed Alfie 400 Centrifuge for Coolant Recycling

Mars Tech is pleased to offer a new series Alfa Laval Alfie 400 Portable High Speed Disc Bowl Centrifuge for cost saving cleaning of coolants and other water based industrial fluids.

Ideal for Filtration and Recycling of Synthetic, Semi Synthetic and Oil Based Metalworking Coolants to clean multiple coolant sumps, remove tramp oil, bacteria and fine micron particles to extend coolant life.

Typical System: Alfa Laval Alfie 400 is a portable module with high-speed disc bowl centrifuge at 7500 RPM designed to effectively clean metalworking coolants at very high "g" force.

Alfie 400 module:
Fully integrated 2 GPM portable coolant module sized for multiple coolant tanks is complete with feed and discharge pumps, inlet strainer, inlet & outlet hoses with quick disconnects, floating suction device, collection tank for tramp oil and electrical control.

The compact design is easily transported around any workshop and operates on single-phase 110V power.

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