Polyethylene Sheeting can be sensed by metal detectors.

Press Release Summary:

Designed to replace standard thick blue polyethylene film, Detectamet Tec-tor addresses contamination risks in food and pharmaceutical processing industries. It is optimized for stiffness and strength and can be detected by standard metal detection systems already in place on food processing lines. Offered in sheet, reel, or bag format, film comes in various sizes and colors to suit range of applications.

Original Press Release:

Metal Detectable Polythene

E-Components & Chains Limited of Pocklington UK are pleased to announce the launch of their "Patent" protected Detectamet / Tec-tor Metal Detectable Polythene Sheeting .

Recognising the issue of risk of film contamination in the food & pharmaceutical processing industry this truly unique material has been developed "a metal detectable polythene film for use in the food & pharmaceutical industry".

The Detectamet Tec-Tor film replaces standard thick blue polyethylene film with a stiffer, stronger film that is detectable down to very small particle sizes by the standard metal detection systems already in place on food processing lines. Detectamet Tec-Tor(TM) is available in sheet, reel or bag format in a wide range of sizes and colours to suit many applications.

For more information please contact:

E-Components & Chains Limited
Tel 0044 (0) 1759 304200
Fax 0044 (0) 1759 305236
Email sales@ecc-ltd.co.uk
Web www.ecc-ltd.co.uk or www.detectamet.com

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