Picture Compressor facilitates digital image sizing.

Press Release Summary:

Suited for experienced or novice webmasters, graphic designers, and printers, PicShrink eliminates need to manually tweak images to attain proper size and resolution. Software can compress hundreds of images simultaneously and reduce each file size by as much as 95% without any loss in picture quality. Integrated preview mode shows outcome of chosen settings, with original picture and smallest picture file size displayed side by side.

Original Press Release:

Digital Image Sizing Made Easier with TopByteLabs Technology

TopByteLabs has developed a new digital image sizing tool, PicShrink.

Frankfurt am Main, Germany -- November 27, 2006 -- TopByteLabs announces its new digital image sizing tool, PicShrink, available at www.PicShrink.com. The tool is a picture compressor that can be used both by experts and amateurs. Users can optimize their digital images easily by reducing the size of image files by as much as 95%. They can also compress hundreds of images at once. The tool is fast, effective and easy to use.

"Every step into the digital world needs knowledge," says Michael Weber of TopByteLabs. "Many experienced web masters use Adobe Photoshop (registered) to optimize pictures for the worldwide web or for print jobs. But with the picture compressor PicShrink, it will bring both experienced graphic designers and novices to an entirely new level."

There are many graphics programs that can size and enhance image quality, but they are complex and difficult to use, with multiple applications and hundreds of options and buttons. What makes PicShrink unique is that users of all levels can understand the tool and use it. PicShrink offers a perfect solution by focusing on one goal, to make digital pictures suitable to users' needs. No makeup, no gimmicks, just pure image compressing and resizing.

"It used to be if you wanted to send 10 pictures to a friend through your email, you had to send them one at a time because they were so big," says Michael Weber. "With PicShrink, all you need to do is compress and resize them and you can send all 10 pictures in one email without any loss in picture quality."

PicShrink's preview mode shows a user the outcome of chosen settings. It shows the original picture and the smallest picture file size side by side. Then PicShrink radically reduces the size of the image files. The tool is fast, effective and incredibly easy to use. There's no longer a need to manually tweak images. PicShrink 1.2 is available for download at a one-time cost of $29.95. For more information, please visit www.PicShrink.com.

About TopByteLabs Ltd.
TopByteLabs Ltd. is a fully independent company located in Frankfurt am Main, registered in Birmingham, UK. Part of TopByteLabs' vision is to give users the ability to work faster and be more productive. TopByteLabs aims to produce software that is easy to understand and pays for itself over and over again. Because, as the founders say, "Time is money and that can add up to a whole lot of dollars."

Michael Weber
+49 (0) 69 25 98 27 80
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