Pick & Place Light, Porous Objects with CDF Series-Adjustable Air Amplifier

Vaccon Company, Inc. of Medway, Massachusetts offers the CDF Series Adjustable Air Amplifier, a vacuum pump and cup in one that generates high vacuum flow ideal for picking up light, porous objects such as open celled foam, fabric, fibrous paper products, food products such as birthday cakes, and more.

CDF air amplifiers operate on the "Coanda Effect" where a small volume of compressed air is converted into a large flow of ambient air (40:1 output to input), enabling it to overcome leakage inherent in picking up light, porous objects. Using the vacuum inlet in place of a vacuum cup, the CDF air amplifier is a low cost, high performance pump that operates without vacuum cups or air regulators. Vacuum is instantaneous; air velocity and flow are field adjustable ensuring optimum performance and low operating expenses for each application.

Made of high quality aluminum, CDF air amplifiers are available in nine standard models with internal bores from 1/8" to 2", and offer vacuum flows from 4 to 330 SCFM. Please consult factory for custom sizes, accessories, and materials.

For More Information:

Vaccon Company, Inc., 9 Industrial Park Road, Medway, MA 02053, Contact: Pat Kellogg, Telephone: (508) 359-7200, Fax: (508) 359-0177, Email: info@vaccon.com, Website: www.vaccon.com

Product link for CDF Series Air Amplifier: www.vaccon.com/cdf-home.aspx

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