Orientation Sensor features full temperature compensation.

Press Release Summary:

Model 3DM-GX1(TM) combines outputs from 3 angular-rate gyros with 3 orthogonal dc accelerometers and 3 orthogonal magnetometers. Embedded microprocessor contains programmable filtering algorithm, which blends static and dynamic outputs of sensors to provide stabilized pitch, roll, and yaw measurements under dynamic and static conditions. Operating over 360° of angular motion on all 3 axes, unit provides orientation in matrix, quaternion, and Euler angle formats.

Original Press Release:

MicroStrain's Fully Temperature Compensated Gyro Enhanced Orientation Sensor

The 3DM-GX1(TM) AHRS is a small, low cost, light weight orientation sensor with low power consumption

Michael Robinson
VP Sales & Marketing
MicroStrain, Inc.

Williston, Vermont, 18 August, 2004- MicroStrain, Inc., www.microstrain.com, a leading manufacturer of micro sensors, today announced the release of 3DM-GX1(TM).

3DM-GX1(TM) combines the outputs from three angular rate gyros with three orthogonal DC accelerometers and three orthogonal magnetometers. The embedded microprocessor contains a unique programmable, complimentary filtering algorithm, which blends the static and dynamic outputs of the sensors to provide stabilized pitch, roll and yaw measurements under dynamic and static conditions.

Operating over the full 360 degrees of angular motion on all three axes, 3DM-GX1(TM) provides orientation in matrix, quaternion and Euler angle formats. The digital serial output can also provide temperature compensated, calibrated data from all nine orthogonal sensors at update rates of up to 350 Hz. Output modes and software filters are user programmable. Programmed parameters and calibration data are stored in nonvolatile memory.

Embedded microcontrollers relieve the host system from the burden of orientation calculations, enabling networks of 3DM-GX1TM nodes to be deployed by using the built-in RS-485 network protocol.

The individual calibration of each 3DM-GX1(TM) enables comprehensive calibration routines to compensate for gyro-G-sensitivity and sensor misalignment. Full temperature compensation for bias and sensitivity of all nine sensors ensures performance over a wide temperature range. 3DM-GX1(TM) is supplied with routines that enable the user to carry out hard and soft iron field calibrations, where appropriate.

Typical applications for the 3DM-GX1(TM) include: navigation and control of unmanned vehicles, platform stabilization, robotics, dynamic antenna pointing and biomedical research.

3DM-GX1's small size, light weight and low power consumption make it ideal for applications where miniaturization is a critical factor. The low price for an evaluation kit, and competitive volume discounts and OEM pricing, breaks down a major cost barrier.

Useful links:

Product Flier:

Detailed Specification:

Temperature Compensation Data: www.microstrain.com/pdf/Comparision%20With%0and20Without%20Temp%20Comp.pdf

Evaluation kit is priced around US$1500.00.

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