Nuwaves Engineering Selected to Provide RF Subsystems for Viasat

Middletown, Ohio- NuWaves Engineering, an international Radio Frequency (RF) and Embedded Systems solutions provider, announced today that two of its module-level RF products, the Multi-Octave RF Upconverter (MORF(TM)) and the ConvertaWave2(TM)
Downconverter, have been selected by ViaSat Inc. to be embedded in the company's VRG-1000 RF Signal Environment Generator product line.

NuWaves' MORF accepts a range of intermediate frequency (IF) signals and delivers a userselectable RF output between 2 MHz and 3000 MHz for RF transmission. On the RF receiver side, NuWaves' ConvertaWave2 accepts an RF signal from 200 MHz to 2500 MHz and delivers a bandwidth-filtered IF of 70 MHz, ready for baseband processing. Both modules are compact, offer highly precise tuning resolution, and provide superior out-of-band interference rejection.

"NuWaves' MORF upconverter and ConvertaWave2 downconverter products make for a powerful
tandem for use in high-performance RF communication, telemetry, and test systems," said JeffWells, President and CEO of NuWaves Engineering. "We are very proud that ViaSat selected these commercial-off-the-shelf products to serve as key RF subsystems in their RF signal environment generator products."

NuWaves Engineering is a premier supplier of Radio Frequency (RF) and embedded systems
products and solutions for DoD, non-DoD government, and industrial customers. An RF
engineering powerhouse, NuWaves offers a wide range of engineering design services focused on wireless communications, as well as a complete line of commercially available module-level products, such as wideband RF upconverters and downconverters, high-efficiency miniature solid state power amplifiers, high intercept low noise amplifiers, miniature RF filters, and fiber optic RF distribution modules.

Contact Kevin Harrison, Business Development Engineer, at (513) 360-0800
ext 313, or visit our website at for more information.

NuWaves Ltd.

132 Edison Drive


Ohio 45044‐3269

(513) 360‐0800

FAX: (513) 539‐8782

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