Liquid Process Systems Ships Heat Transfer Fluid Filtration System to Large Plastics Manufacturer in Greece
CHARLOTTE, North Carolina USA - Liquid Process Systems, Inc. of Indian Trail (near Charlotte), North Carolina USA has shipped an order for a Vector Series Model VC15C Heat Transfer Fluid Filtration system to a large plastics manufacturer in Greece.
The Vector Series slip-stream filtration system will be used to remove carbon solids down to 5 microns at the manufacturer's PET packaging facility while their manufacturing process is operating. Start-up is expected by the end of June.
The Vector Series filter housing to be installed is rated for up to 114 litres per minute (30 gallons per minute) operating at 343°C (650°F) at 150 psig (10.3 barg). Value of the order was not disclosed.
About Liquid Process Systems
For over 18 years, Liquid Process Systems, Inc. has specialized in providing customized hot oil filtration systems to heat transfer fluid users in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Central America, Europe, Asia, Australia and New Zealand.
Along with VECTOR series filtration systems, the company provides a series of stand-alone SENTINEL filtration systems with pump and control panel for facilities where existing system flow and pressure are completely dedicated to heat users leaving
insufficient flow and pressure available for a filter housing only.
For more information, go to or contact Liquid Process Systems, Inc., by e-mail at, telephone +(704) 821-1115 or
(888) 786-1101, FAX: +(704) 821-1190 or write 1025-A Technology Drive, Indian Trail, North Carolina USA 28079.