Linden Industries to Offer New, Unprecedented Mix Head Warranties

December 2005, Linden Industries announced that they are introducing new warranties for their polyurethane mix heads. The warranties are based upon the number of shots that the head has made, rather than a period of time since purchase. Linden is the only manufacturer to offer this type of warranty. Until now the standard offered by most manufacturers has been based upon a predetermined time period or shot count, whichever occurred first. The new warranty, based upon the number of shots, allows processors to purchase back-up or spare mix heads that remain under warranty regardless of when they were purchased or put into service.

The new warranties are a result of a technology that Linden introduced several years ago, the shot counter. This device records each time that a mix head is actuated. Over the past 24-months, Linden has installed a shot counter on every mix head that they manufactured. This has proven to be an extremely, accurate and reliable method to measure the performance and wear on a polyurethane mix head. Based upon their findings, Linden is now launching the new warranties across all market segments to which they supply mix heads.

The warranties are primarily based upon the type of system that the processor will be running. If the processor is utilizing even a mildly abrasive system, this will affect the wear and life of the mix head. The new Linden warranties begin at 100,000 shots for a non-filled, non-abrasive system.

For additional information, readers should contact Mr. Theron Sherman, Sales Manager, Linden Industries, Inc., 137 Ascot Parkway, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223, p. (330) 928-4064 f. (330) 928-1854 e-mail:,

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