Infrared Web Dryer Cures Ink on Paper Napkins

Wisconsin Infrared Systems designed and manufactured an Electric Infrared Web Drying System, for the paper industry to dry ink on lightweight paper webs running at 1,200 FPM.
This IR oven was specifically designed to dry water-based ink on a paper web which is processed into napkins for the fast food industry. The dryer has three (3) 14 in. long dryer housings with two (2) 5- 1/2 in. wide exhaust plenums mounted between each heater housing. Each dryer housing contains nine (9) Orion ultra-quick response, low-mass, medium wavelength infrared emitters with a 29 in. heated length. A gold-plated stainless steel reflector is positioned behind the emitter strips. The dryer housings are mounted so that the paper web runs 1/2 in. away from the face of the IR emitters. High velocity air is impinged onto the web in order to promote the most efficient drying, and to aide in the removal of moisture vapors being released from the paper surface.
Each dryer housing has a 450 CFM total air volume and is rated at 14,350 Watts.
The dryer has two (2) gold-plated stainless steel hinged and mechanically latched web thread-up access doors which form an enclosed dryer tunnel chamber when shut. They are used to contain the IR heat and impingement air within the drying system. The gold plating efficiently reflects infrared radiation and will not overheat. The IR emitters and dryer housings cool quickly, assisted by supply air flow so that in the event of an emergency line stop, the dryer does not have to be moved away from the web to avoid overheating.
This dryer has a free-standing NEMA 12 control enclosure (for remote mounting by the customer), and includes a main power disconnect switch. The temperature of the oven is controlled through a micro-processor based digital instrument from Honeywell.
For further details on this project, contact Wisconsin Infrared Systems at (262) 642-4200, or by email at For more information on web dryers and ovens, please visit the Wisconsin Infrared Systems website at
Company Information
Wisconsin Oven Corporation
2675 Main Street
East Troy, WI 53120 USA
(262)642-3938 phone
(262)363-4018 fax
Contact Information for Press only
Andrea Rawlings
Wisconsin Oven Corporation
Marketing Administrator
(262)642-6026 direct phone
Contact Information for Product
Ray Juhlin
Wisconsin Infrared Systems
Product Manager
(262)642-6025 direct phone